Friday, July 5, 2013

June 26, 2013

How do I even begin to describe the best day ever? It started with my best friend by my side and ended with him by my side. I am so grateful that we were married today, and wouldn't have done it any other way. Of course it wasn't perfect, but it was perfectly imperfect.
Dan had been wanting to go to breakfast on our wedding day for a while. He picked me up at 8, and naturally I thought we'd be going to a restaurant in Kaysville or Layton, somewhere close, but it was even closer. He took me to Barnes Park and there we ate a fabulous breakfast, that he made right there.
He had a blanket set up and all the food cooked. It was a great way to start out our day. He took me home so I could get my hair done (thanks Mindy Trump Green!), and get ready to go to the temple.
My mom and I went together, and he and his dad went together. Somehow we magically arrived in the parking lot at the same time. We walked to the temple together and took care of all the paperwork. Then it was time for the best part of the entire day. We dressed in our temple clothes, and had some time alone in the Celestial room before we were sealed. It was indescribable.
After several minutes a temple worker came and got us and told us it was time to be sealed. We talked to our sealer before going into the sealing room, where all our friends and family awaited us. It was bliss walking into that room, seeing everyone that means so much to you there to support you on your biggest day. Our sealer talked for quite some time about the importance of receiving your endowment and making covenants. And finally we got to kneel at that altar in the Salt Lake Temple and be sealed for time and all eternity. Nothing can describe what I felt in those moments. The sealer told us to get a good look at each other and store it in the memory bank, and I will never forget looking at my husband across the altar in such a sacred place.
Daniel Edwin Hayward was now my husband! Ineffable joy overcame me as that realization hit me. We started counting down to this day at 160 days to go and now here it was. This is what I'd been waiting for and it was more than I could have ever dreamed.
After we got dressed in our wedding attire we got to walk out of the temple together and greet our family and friends.
We are now Mr. & Mrs. Hayward!
You all know what comes next, pictures and more pictures.
(Almost) Everyone who was at our sealing, thank you for being there!
Once those were all done it was off to the Utah House of our informal luncheon. We changed into more casual dress clothes and ate some Cafe Rio style food, it was delicious! Then it was back into the wedding attire for more pictures and our reception.
It was wonderful to see so many people who care about us and our families. We are truly grateful for all the influences we have in our lives and the love that was shown to us that day. Thank you to all who came and celebrated our special day with us, it means more than you know!
After the line died we got to cut our cake, throw the bouquet and garter, and dance. Dan definitely surprised me a little with the cake, I thought he was going to be a little more gentle, but he shoved that baby down my mouth. I tried to retaliate but failed.
Dan shoving cake down my mouth.
I danced with my amazing Father before dancing with my husband. As Dan and I danced it was as if we were alone. I only saw him in the crowd. I loved it. He is my world, now more than ever before.
First dance as husband and wife!
Last but definitely not least, it was time to make our exit. Everyone lined up with streamers and poppers and I hopped on Dan's back and we ran through it all to my brother's motorcycle that awaited us. We got on it and drove away, waving goodbye. We only rode it back to my house to get the car to go to Little America and on the way we got several honks and a lady at the stoplight even took a picture of us. It was great.

Once home we loaded the car with our suitcases and exchanged wedding gifts. Then off we went to the best vacation we've ever had, our honeymoon!

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