Thursday, May 30, 2013

So this is blogging...

I decided to start a blog for those of you who really care about keeping up with Dan and I. We aren't married yet, but will be in 26 days! And kind of as a means for us to keep a journal together. I haven't been the best at keeping one since I got home from my mission.
We'll just start with the basics. Dan and I went to high school together, we had mutual friends but never hung out or dated. Davis really is such a big school. We even had a class at Weber State our first semester of college, but nothing happened. I got back from my mission in October and the first day of December I was playing soccer at Davis High with some friends and he went there to run. I recognized him from high school and yelled at him, "Dan are you going to come play?" He just looked at me like he didn't know me, and I just went on playing... occasionally watching him run.
Lo and behold we'd run into each other again that night at Ashlee Fredrickson, now Perkes, reception. Of course I avoided him because he already didn't recognize me once. Later I found out he was going to ask me to dance but someone else had beat him to it. He went and played basketball with a friend but said he couldn't stop thinking about me so he sent me a message on facebook asking if I would watch the Christmas Devotional at his house the next evening. I was a little hesitant but said yes. 
We watched the Devotional with several of his friends and after they all left we talked for quite a while. It was easy to talk and I enjoyed getting to know him, finally. The next day he calls me and asks me if I want to go to a Jazz game with him. Something we found out we had in common the day before, so of course I said yes. And we went on our first date! It was a blast. He surprised me by having his arm around me basically the whole time and holding my hand. I was hooked from that day on. We shared our first kiss the very next day... he surely wasn't the same guy I had a class with at Weber. ;) 
True Jazz love. (Last names on the jerseys.)
And the rest really is history. We fell in love and got engaged on February 22, 2013 and will be sealed for time and all eternity on June 26, 2013. He has been the biggest blessing ever. I love him with all my heart. I don't know what I'd do without him. He has shown me what true love is. He really is my best friend. I cannot wait to be his forever. We have so much in common and fit together like peanut butter and jelly, it continually amazes me. 


Linda and Dave Browne said...

Ally, We are so thrilled for you. You two are an adorable couple. :) Wish we lived close so we could be there to help celebrate your special day. Love ya!

Brooke and Logan said...

YAY!! I Love when people I love start blogs so I can feel like I actually get to stay in touch! You two are adorable together, and i'm SOOOOOO happy for you guys!!:)