Friday, May 31, 2013

It's finally time.

For the past few days I have felt like it's finally time to share my story. And that story is the reason I came home from my mission a little earlier than planned. I feel like sharing this will help lift a little bit of the weight I'm still carrying off, at least that's my hope.
This past year has honestly been the hardest year of my life. I write this with occasional tears streaming down my cheeks and a heart that will probably never be fully whole again. This is personal, but I get asked about it constantly and it seems to come up in one way or another and that's another reason I have for sharing it. Plus, if someone can benefit from it then I am that much more grateful.
Texas McAllen Mission
I was diagnosed with anxiety in June of last year, and depression reared its ugly head shortly thereafter. I started having some physical illnesses on my mission in May and came to the conclusion of anxiety, which was really hard on me. I had no idea that anxiety could cause you to throw up, have stomach and chest pains, digestion problems, no ability to sleep, and panic attacks. It all makes sense now, especially after taking an Abnormal Psychology class last semester and learning all about disorders, but back then I had no idea about mental illnesses.
For everyone with an invisible illness: The difference between mental and physical illness is that one is seen and the other is not. "It's hard to explain to someone who has no clue. It's a daily struggle being in pain or feeling sick on the inside while you look fine... on the outside. Never judge what you don't understand."
I went to the doctor several times in May. It was frustrating not knowing what it was. It was thought I had IBS and when he introduced mental problems I was just beyond confused. I talked to my mission president's wife, our medical advisor, and it was established I had anxiety. I received permission from my stake president at home and my parents to start taking medication. I was really against it at first because I didn't want to rely on it, but it was suggested that this was the only thing that could help and I really wanted to stay on my mission, as hard as it was getting.
This is a journal entry from my mission on June 27, 2012: "I couldn't sleep tonight, Sister Trayner told me to write to let all my thoughts and feelings out so that's what I'm going to do. This will probably be all over the place but I guess that's the point? Well... I'm shocked to be quite honest. I never thought this would happen to me, and least of all places on my mission. It's heartbreaking. To have wanted to do this my whole life, to dream about it, and to get here and have it be the hardest thing I've ever done and it to be so hard on me that I have to take medication to cope... it hurts. It's like I'm not strong enough to do this, to be a missionary. It makes me wonder if I really am able to do this. Any missionary could come in and what I do, so what am I needed for? I'm stuck, at least that's how I feel. I'm a little scared too. What if I can't get over this? I don't know how to handle it and fix it. What if I can't? I feel like being diagnosed with anxiety is giving me more. I also feel as if I'm losing myself. I don't understand why I have been given this trial, but Heavenly Father does and I guess that's what really matters. Sometimes I wish I could borrow His spiritual eyes and see what He sees. Hopefully one day I'll understand why all of this is happening. Is it because Satan is trying to stop me? If he is, am I going to let him win? I don't know if I have much fight left in me. I'm lacking faith in myself. Can I really do this? It's just this never-ending spiral and I don't know how to make it stop so I can climb back up from how far I've already gone down."
That's how I felt and sometimes how I still feel. It still scares me at times. And it hasn't necessarily gotten any easier, I have just learned how to deal with it and accept, for the most part, that this has happened and I may have to deal with it the rest of my life. And after that day in June things only got worse.
I was transferred to the valley to be closer to the mission home so I could get the help I needed. My companion and I whitewashed an area and that made things a little more stressful but I was able to see doctors and a counselor once a month, although that proved to not help my illness either, but it was nice to cry to someone who was trying to understand and help. I was prescribed with a medication in Laredo that was supposed to take up to 6 weeks to work and after more than 6 weeks had gone by I wasn't improving. So it was back to the doctor and he prescribed something else that I wasn't allowed to take as a missionary because of its maintenance. Because I wasn't able to take it he referred me to a psychiatrist. That was really hard on me. I remember sitting in the waiting room with a bunch of kids who had obvious mental disabilities and felt like I should be put in a mental hospital or something. It was a stab to the soul. He gave me another prescription that was supposed to take 3-4 weeks and after that time had gone by I still wasn't doing better.
By now, I was just a wreck. I developed depression with my anxiety and struggled with almost everything. I always thought that mental illnesses were choices and that you could just snap out of it, but I couldn't have been more wrong. It's not like that at all. It almost controls you... it's not you. I would wake up in the morning with no desire to do anything or see anyone. I didn't care about a thing, not missionary work, not the people. It was horrible because I knew I should and I was disappointing so many people but I didn't care about that either. I had no desire to do anything. And I could never sleep for more than a few hours at a time, I was emotional all over the place, I couldn't sit still to save my life, I wasn't me.
At this point, I had discussed going home with my mission president. At first, that's all I could really think about. After talking to him, he helped me realize that it wasn't my decision to make. I will forever be grateful to him for giving me a kick in the butt when I needed them most. He let me talk to my Mom, which was more of me listening and crying as she tried to speak strength and love to me. A couple more weeks went by and it was finally decided for me to come home. I knew I wasn't going to get better in the field but that didn't make coming home any easier. I was able to finish the transfer and was put in a trio for the last two weeks.
Home again.
For the first few days of being home, I was doing so much better. It was beyond wonderful to see my family again and have their support. I was able to see my doctor and be put on a medication that finally helped me! But those days didn't last long... I was still very sick, physically and mentally. I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning, there was no point. I didn't want to do anything because I had no desire to and I just didn't know what to do with myself. I was afraid of talking to people for what they may think and the questions they would ask. No one really understood, they would try and I appreciated tha,t but it didn't help. And it's no one's fault, but it made me feel alone and apart from the world I once knew. I felt ashamed of what I felt I didn't accomplish and what other people thought I came home for or did wrong as well. It was as if I was a failure. And no one likes to feel like a failure, especially when you feel like you failed your Savior.
I started seeing a counselor every week and that I think made the most difference in the end. He taught me how to deal with my anxiety and realize what was causing it. (Now that I know what causes it I can control it more but that doesn't mean it's completely gone. I still have it. It's not all just about my thoughts, some of it is just how I'm wired so to speak.) I saw improvement over weeks and eventually was able to stop seeing my counselor, but continue with the medication.
One of the biggest helps through all of this has been the man of my dreams, Daniel Edwin Hayward. On our first date, he asked me why I came home and surprisingly I felt like I could tell him. He was very understanding and sweet about it all. He didn't try to "fix me" as other people did or look at me as damaged goods, but he loved me. And since then has healed me more than medication or counseling. I have felt at times that he is part of the reason I came home when I did, so I could meet up with him again and eventually marry him. If it was for him then it was all worth it.
That smile that comes so naturally is because of him.
For a long time, I wondered if I would ever feel like my old self again. Through E-mails from my mission, my Mom could tell that I wasn't myself and said she wished people from my mission could know the Allyson Harris that she knows. I don't think I'll ever completely be that person again, and you're not necessarily supposed to be the same person you were before your mission but I changed in a different way. And I feel like that gets rubbed in my face constantly, not on purpose of course. Its every farewell and homecoming, every time someone asks about my mission or talks about theirs, church lessons, etc. it's like I'm getting salt sprinkled in that never fully healing wound. I didn't come home with that fire that RM's come home with. My homecoming wasn't the typical homecoming. It was one of happiness but not the happiness I wanted it to be. My mission president said it'd be something I'll always have to live with and I knew that but I thought maybe it'd get easier.
I talked to one of my amazing cousins a few weeks ago who came home early because of his knee and he's been home for 8 years now and it hasn't gotten easier for him. It wasn't what I wanted to hear but talking to him about it helped me so much. And it kind of hit me that maybe that's why this happens to us... so that we can share our experience with others who go through the same thing. There have been a few people I have been able to talk to and feel like I have been able to help because we went through similar experiences. In multiple blessings I received on my mission it was mentioned a few times that this would help my future family, so I'll cling to that as well.
And the most important reason why this may have happened was for me to become closer to my Savior. He has done so much for me, for all of us, and if I have the opportunity to experience just a little of what He did then I am grateful and better off for it. There is nothing greater than being able to walk in His shoes, even if it's just a step or two. I have greater appreciation and understanding of His love and sacrifice for me. He experienced all that I have experienced and will experience, but it is a privilege to say the same about Him. And I'm not saying that I get what He did or know fully, because I don't, but I am just that much closer to because of what I went through. Because of the trial He so lovingly placed before me. I couldn't have made it through this without Him.
That's my story... but more than that, it's my life. And it's ok because I wouldn't change anything I've learned from this experience. I am who I am today because of it. I'm stronger and refined into the woman Heavenly Father wants me to be, and that is all that matters.
1 Corinthians 10:13

P.S. An afterthought: I have had moments where I wish I did not have to go through this on my mission but something tells me that it was better I did. That it was better because of the person that I was when I went through all that - a missionary, a servant of the Lord, a representative of Jesus Christ. I believe things could have gotten a lot worse for me if I was anywhere besides my mission, as hard as that is sometimes for me to admit. But Heavenly Father knew me then and He knows me now and I trust in His timing now more than ever.


Candace said...

Allyson, I am glad you decided to write about this. I really do hope it helps. I feel bad I did not admit sooner that I have had very very similar feelings. In fact, reading your journal entry from your mission sounds like it could be an entry from my journal the summer 2011 in that very same month. My mom had to try and remind me of who I was even though I did not feel like I could ever be that person again. Curtis expressed a thought that really helped me let go of feeling like I needed to "find myself."
Here was my journal entry: "I was talking to Curtis the other night. I wondered when or if I would ever feel like I "found" myself. 'You know like when others are so sure when they take those personality tests and what not.' He replied, 'Candace, I do not like those tests because we are always changing. One day you may consider yourself an extravert and another day an introvert.' It was refreshing insight. It was a comment that set me free. I do not HAVE to be any certain way on any given day. Of course Christ-like, but as for my tendencies, who cares if one day I feel like being a goof ball or entertainer and another day I just want to sit back and listen or read a book. That prolly was not the most clear thought, but maybe you got the gist of it."
Sorry this was a long post. I hope you do not feel like you always need to have "found" yourself.
Thanks again for posting!

Kailee said...

Ally, I just found your blog and wanted to thank you for writing this. I deal with similar issues such as anxiety and depression, and previously with an eating disorder, so in a way, I know how you feel. I was having a really really hard time going to school...not wanting to go to class and not doing well in any classes, even in the ones that I liked. It finally came to the point where I needed to take a break from school, which is what I'm doing now, and while it was the best thing for me, it was very rough. I really related to that journal entry you wrote as well, because I had wanted to come to BYU for so long, and then I got here and I couldn't even do the work. It's still a struggle for me every day too, but I find my ways to cope, just like I think we all do. It's hard. And sometimes it just really sucks, but it is really great to know that I'm not the only one and that there are other people around struggling with similar things. I think you're right, that we are given these struggles to help other people and to lift each other up. When I was recovering from my eating disorder, the thin that helped me the most was having friends who understood me and loved me just because I was me. You are way lucky to have Dan, and I'm super happy for you guys! He's way lucky to have you too. This has made you so strong and will make you even stronger as you beat it more and use it to help others. Sorry, I hope it wasn't weird that I posted this, but I just really wanted to thank you for it. I think a lot more people struggle with mental illness than we realize, so it's great to find others out there and give each other support. :)