Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sojourn to Utah: End of May 2023-July 2023 (With a Move From Texas To Louisiana In Between)

Our annual summer trip to Utah was amazing, as usual! And longer than we originally planned, but we couldn't close on our house in Louisiana at the beginning of June like we wanted to, so we changed our plans.

May 26
Hayley had her last day of school today, so once she got out at noon we finished loading up, the girls said goodbye to Texas and our home there, and we made our last 15 hour drive to Utah through the night. Kind of bittersweet. The girls have been SUPER troopers (try not to sing it ha) through the 10 times we have driven to Utah, several of those trips were just the girls and me too. Now we'll have to get used to flying instead of driving.

May 27
We got to Utah around 5:00 AM and got in bed to sleep for a few hours. The Kelley's came over to play and we finally got to meet baby Jace.

May 28
We went to church, had dinner at Paul and Becky's house, and then spent time with Kelley's and Harris' (they came up from Saratoga Springs for Memorial Day).

May 29
Memorial Day was fun! We went over to Joe and Glo's (Mike's parents) house to swim and play some pickleball. The kids had fun swimming and playing together and the adults took turns playing pickleball. We all had dinner together before Matt and Andrea had to head home.

May 30
First day at Cherry Hill today! Dan joined us and that's always fun when he can come. We met the Haywards there and swam for a few hours before a storm came in and we left.

May 31
Hayley and Evelyn had their first day of track camp with Dan this morning.
I went to a HIGH Fitness class tonight and it kicked my butt after not exercising for a week.

June 1
Second day of track camp for the two girls and Dan. Paige and I went shopping at Station Park while they were running and jumping.
Evelyn lost her first top tooth today too! It took some convincing but she finally let me pull it out.
Beau and Boston are sleeping over for the next week while Matt and Andrea are at Lake Powell.

June 2
The girls had their track meet this morning. Paige and I stayed to watch. It was fun seeing Hayley and Evelyn jump and run with all the other little kids. Their track camp was at Davis High, where Dan and I went to high school, and the girls had to use the bathroom and it was kind of strange being back in those halls. Smells the exact same ha. 

June 3
I made my way down to Sandy this morning to go check out a sample/practically perfect dress sale at Ivy City Co. I found a dress I liked and bought it so I'm glad that was successful. I had to hit up Orson Gygi while I was down that way too and get some more cake supplies.
The cousins all played outside for a while today. It's fun to have some live-in best friends for a little while.
Story time with Grandma is the best!

June 4
Went to church and it was fun trying to get five little kiddos ready haha. We barely made it on time! After church they all played outside for a while before dinner.

June 5
I had a teeth whitening appointment this morning. Once I got back I took all five kiddos to a park near my parent's house. It took a while to walk there and back with such little legs but it was fun and the kids enjoyed it. Then the girls and I met Nikkole and her boys at Lagoon. We decided to get Lagoon passes since three visits pays for them and we would definitely be able to get our use out of them. The girls loved it. I made some delicious biscuit pot pies when we got home (recipe here). 

Just a little tuckered out after Lagoon.

June 6
We went to the Bountiful Town Square splash pad around lunch time and met the Kelley's there. The kids loved it and didn't want to leave but the adults did ha.
I met up with my former companion and best friend, Ashley Smith, for dinner at Zupas to catch up. Love being able to see her when I visit.
I ended the night with a HIGH class with some of my good friends and to celebrate one of their birthdays. It was a fun class and I'm glad I could go party with them!
The Birthday girl.

June 7
Dan and I took the girls to good ol' K town theater this afternoon for their free movie that they do over the summer. The movie, Paws of Fury, was pretty awful honestly ha but the girls enjoyed it. Paige came over and sat with me the last 20 minutes and fell asleep.
The Kelley's came over and all the cousins played together some more. We took a ride in the back of Grandpa's truck down the road to Maverik to get some slurpees. The kids loved it.
I got some rare Todd snuggles today.

June 8
We went to Hill Air Force Base Museum today. The kids didn't seem to be as into it as we thought they would be, or at least the magic wore off after the first few planes ha. Afterwards we went to Wendy's for lunch.
That evening I went to the HIGH Fitness and Upbeat Barre "Better Together" event. My "date" ended up not being able to come with me so I went solo. It definitely wasn't as fun and I felt a little alone, but I'm grateful for the friends who did say hi to me. It makes me happy to see some people practice what they preach about inclusion.

June 10
We ventured over to Mike and Nikkole's house for a little while. The girls played with their cousins, and their cousin's next door neighbor. I spent the afternoon/evening making a cake for dessert for tomorrow.

June 11
After morning church, I made the frosting for my cake and frosted it. Once it was done it was early afternoon and we made our way down to Saratoga Springs to have dinner at Matt and Andrea's house. Before dinner we went for a ride in my Dad's razor over to the Saratoga temple. It was fun and very dirty haha. Another good time that warms my heart because we all get to be together and all our kids get to play and have fun.

June 12
We spent another day at Lagoon with Nikkole, Luke, and Todd. It was a nice day since it was overcast.
We said our goodnights and goodbyes to the girls for a while because...

June 13
Dan and I spent the day driving back to Lubbock. It was bittersweet to think it'd be the last time we'd make that drive.
I can still remember the first time we did it, with two little girls and the third still in my belly, wondering what the heck I'd gotten myself into and feeling extremely homesick. But Lubbock became home, even though it took a little while. I will be forever grateful for all the friends we made there, for everyone who helped us survive those four years of medical school. I can honestly say I will not miss living in Lubbock (goodbye dirt), it was a fine temporary place to live, BUT I will miss the people there! We were blessed with some wonderful tender mercies and I never want to forget them.

June 14-16
The next couple of days were spent packing, closing on our house, cleaning the house, and loading a U-Haul trailer. Oh and crying here and there over the fact that I have to say goodbye to people who had become like family.
Paul and Peter arrived in Lubbock on Friday to help us move. It was super nice of them to come out and help and we appreciated it so much!
It was the ugly kind of crying too.
Had to get in my last trips to Soda Shack (their PB cookies are the best!).
One more game of Marbles with the Marsh's.

June 17
After we finished loading everything the night before, Dan and Peter just decided to head out right then and drive through the night and into the morning to get to Shreveport. I got to spend my last night in our Lubbock house sleeping on the floor. Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well. But I got up around 7:30 AM, finished vacuuming, loaded my car, and hit the road.
It was a LONG day. I made it to Costco in Dallas to get gas, and had to stop by Bucees too. I made it to Shreveport around 5:30 PM. Dan and I immediately went over to one of his co resident's houses for a dinner. It was nice to meet all the people he'd be working with and their spouses, and get some info on what the first year would kind of be like. Peter basically unloaded almost the entire truck while we were gone, bless him!
When we got back to our house I had a headache. Oh and the power was out because there had been a tornado on Thursday evening, and we had no idea when it'd be back on. Because of that all the hotels in town were full and we had to drive over an hour to find one that had vacancy. But it was worth it for some air conditioning. Humidity is no joke!

June 18
Because Dan had pulled an all nighter the evening before and I didn't get much sleep either, and we went to bed after midnight, we woke up around 10:30 AM. Then we made the hour drive back into Shreveport where we had breakfast at Waffle House. Dan ate the same thing that Walker Kessler orders when he eats there, and it was A LOT of food.
Thankfully when we got back to our new house the power was restored. Dan took Peter and Paul to the airport in the evening while I worked on cleaning and unpacking.

June 19-25
The next week was spent cleaning, way more than I anticipated because our house was left in AWFUL shape. I mean it was so bad I wonder when the last time was that they did any sort of cleaning. I was planning on doing some anyway, but not deep cleaning. It has been a pain in the butt and delayed unpacking boxes. I wasn't able to get as much done as I wanted to before heading back to Utah.

June 26
HAPPY TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO US! A lot can happen in ten years. I am grateful for the life that Dan and I have made. It's true that your love gets deeper with time. Dan is my person and I'm blessed to (kind of, when we're together ha) walk through life with him.
We went to dinner at Saltgrass Steakhouse on the Red River Boardwalk and it was delicious. It has been a blessing to spend so much one on one time with him the past couple weeks. He gave me a diamond necklace and ear rings for a gift and I love them. I cried when I opened them. He is so thoughtful and knows how to make me feel loved.

June 27
I got my carry-on suitcase and backpack ready for my trip back to Utah. I cleaned and did some unpacking until it was time to make my drive to Forney in the afternoon. Dan's cousin and his wife live there, Ryan and Kylee, and they were nice enough to let me park my car at their house while I was in Utah and took me to the airport and picked the girls and I up.
My flight got delayed about an hour and it was fine. It was my third time flying this year and that has helped my anxiety about it a little. My sweet Mom picked me up after midnight and I didn't get to bed 'til after 1:00 AM.
And shoutout to my parents for keeping our girls while we moved! It was extremely kind of them to do that and made things way easier on our end. They're the best!

June 28
Back to the fun of being in Utah with family! We spend another day at Lagoon.

June 29
And we loved it so much we went back again today, and this time Grandma was able to join us!
If you can't tell by now, we're all obsessed with Jace too.

June 30

July 1
It had been a while since I had done some exercising so I hit up a class early this morning. We left for Orem around 11:00 to have lunch with our favorite former neighbors (still so sad they moved!), and swim a little. It was fabulous to see Eric and Ally again. They are truly the best of the best (i.e. they give birthday cards to my girls, what kind of neighbors do that for their neighbors grandkids?!)! The girls had a blast swimming in the pool and playing with their cousins. It wore them out, they fell asleep on the drive home.
And Dan had his first official day of residency today! Woot!
He cute.

July 2
Spent the morning at church, in our matching dresses and boots ha. Will it ever get old? Not to me, and it when it does to them it may kill me a little. The Kelley's came over and we had a fun nail party after dinner.

July 3
I had two fitness photo shoots today, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Both were super fun and I enjoy capturing others' talents and personalities. 

July 4
Had to start the holiday with a HIGH class, of course! I always worry no one will show but we had a good turnout and a great class! Love starting my day exercising with friends.
We went to the Kaysville parade with the Hayward's and Howell's. We were set up right next to one of my friends from Lubbock, it was nice to see her. After the parade we headed to Carlos & Harley's in Eden to celebrate Becky's birthday. If you haven't been to that restaurant, then you need to (and try the queso)!
We spent the evening hanging out in Mike & Nikkole's neighborhood. They had a blow up slip 'n slide set up and some sweet fireworks. We got home around 10:00 PM to watch the Kaysville fireworks from my parent's yard and then it was definitely time for bed.
Little bit of Lubbock in Kaysville.
Happy Birthday Grandma Becky!

July 5

July 6
We spent the day at Cherry Hill with the Hayward fam. 

July 7
Aunt Audrey wins Aunt of the Year. She threw a little party for the girl cousins - pink, purple, princesses, mermaids, and all. They had dinner, did makeovers and hair, and watched a movie. They loved it!

July 8
Grandma was kind enough to make muffins for us for breakfast.
Dinner was at Orlando's to celebrate Brittany's birthday. Another great Mexican place.
I took the Kelley's family photos at the Farmington Trail. It went pretty well besides poor little Todd being terrified of all the dogs that went past.

July 10
Today was our annual Hayward Lagoon day. Because we have passes we arrived an hour after opening and didn't stay past dinner. But while we were there we had a blast! I finally rode Cannibal and it was a thrill!
Just being one of the kids since I'm husbandless.
Dole Whip!

July 11
Hayley's birthday! That she's been planning for over a month. We went to Lagoon-A-Beach with Grandma Susan and the Kelley's in the morning and then had dinner and dessert at Paul and Becky's with the Hayward's and Kelley's. 
Paige was tired so she fell asleep with the straw in her mouth.

July 12
Hayley got a bead kit for her birthday and spent a lot of the day making bracelets and necklaces. I got to get in some more Jace snuggles.

July 14
Andrea and the boys came up to stay for a few days so naturally we had to go on some adventures! We went to Altitude Trampoline jump park in the morning. I made grilled cheeses for lunch and we had Krispy Kreme donuts. 

July 15
I went to a HIGH class this morning since I'll be subbing it next week and needed to learn the ropes.
Then it was back to Farmington Trail to take the Harris' family photos. I like how the same location can still be different each photoshoot.
We got the pool and slip 'n slide out so the kiddos could swim and play outside. It wore them out a little. Then they had a movie night.

July 16

July 17
Tonight I had the opportunity to teach at an event for Huntington's Disease. I got asked last minute to sub for another instructor who was sick. It was a blast! I enjoyed meeting so many other instructors and seeing a few that I knew.

July 18
Another Lagoon day with the Kelley's today. Evelyn had been begging to go on the Ferris Wheel for a few trips to Lagoon and we finally went on it today. I am not a fan of how tiny those things are.
I taught a HIGH class tonight with Jenna and Jezz. Jezz was originally going to be out of town but made it back before class. They still let me teach with them anyway. I love 'em!

July 19
I went to my dear friend Amber's barre class this morning. She is an amazing instructor with a heart of gold and I adore her. Then we went to Cherry Hill with our kiddos together. They all had fun and played well, made our hearts happy. It was fun being able to chat and just be with her too. She is what a best friend is all about!
Then it was off to anther HIGH class that I got asked to teach with some other instructors. It was a fun class and I laughed and smiled the entire time! 
All our crazy kiddos, minus Kaia cause she fell asleep.

July 20
We finally made it out on Grandpa's boat. The water was chilly but that didn't stop the girls from swimming. The water wasn't that great and since it was cold I didn't board or ski, which I guess means I'm getting old. Glad the girls had a blast though!
Then I went and saw the Barbie movie with my bestie, Lindsay! It was SO GOOD! I loved it and can't wait to see it again. I laughed so hard I cried and it struck my heart strings and it was original and I can't say enough about it.

July 21
I had a photoshoot this morning at a gym with a future trainer, ShaNeill. It was fun to do something different and new.
I got my hair cut and dyed. I was hoping to get all the blue out of it but alas some of it is still in there.
Then it was off to another fitness photoshoot. 

July 22
I taught my first ever SOLO class in Utah this morning. I have taught many a class with other instructors, but never one by myself. It was so good for my heart after not doing it for over two months and not knowing when I will again.
We had a fun family gathering with some of my Mom's sisters in the evening. It was nice to catch up with cousins and see their growing families.
These two cuties came to support me!

July 23

July 24
Pioneer Day! We started it with our annual tradition of going to Bowman's breakfast. We went home and then came back for lunch, cookie making, glitter tattoos, cotton candy, and popcorn.
We spent the rest of the day at Paul and Becky's playing in the water and games with cousins. Steve and Audrey made yummy tacos for dinner. We said our goodbyes since we're leaving on Wednesday early in the morning.
Ran into my cute friend Jen at the breakfast.
It was fun to see how big Paxton has gotten.

July 25
I woke up early to have breakfast with Amber at Kneader's, our tradition, before she went off to Girl's Camp. She really is the cream of the crop and I am going to miss her so much!
We spent our last day at Lagoon and Cherry Hill. We definitely got our use of those passes! It was fun to be able to spend so much time with Nikkole this trip too, especially since she was on maternity leave.
Grandma Susan got some silly string and did her tradition of a little "fight" with the girls before bedtime. She is the best and the girls are so lucky to have her as a Grandma!

July 26
I woke up at 3:30 AM and got ready before waking the girls up. We left a little after 4:00 for the airport. The girls did AMAZING! They are such troopers! We got our four large bags checked (we gained one from all the stuff we acquired over the last two months), made it through security, and made the long trek to our gate. We didn't have to wait too long before boarding, thankfully.
The girls did great on the flight. We had a couple more bathroom breaks than I would have preferred ha but it was good. We had to wait a while for our luggage, but once we got it Ryan picked us up and we headed to the Fisher home to use the bathrooms and say a quick hi/goodbye. Then we made the two and a half hour drive back home. We got a little cranky on the drive, everyone was getting tired and Evelyn only fell asleep the last 15 or so minutes of the flight. Paige slept a little on the drive from the airport to Forney but we were all lacking. We got home around 3:00 PM and the girls were excited to see their new house. It was fun to see their reaction. 
And once Dan got home, that was the icing on the cake. It felt amazing to all be reunited again! Now back to real life.

Oh what a great summer we had! Now wish us luck as we get adjusted to life in Louisiana!

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