Saturday, August 22, 2020

Paige: Ten Months

 Another month has come and gone. I can't believe it.

Paige has started crawling. Well it's more so inching worming along ha. She hasn't figured out how to stay up on her hands and knees yet so she pulls herself along. I'm still fine with her not being so mobile. It has already been a little challenging with her moving cause she can get things she isn't supposed to sometimes. 
Paige's two bottom teeth are all the way through now and her little toothy grin is my favorite. She loves to babble and I enjoy listening to her make noises. I can tell she likes the way her teeth feel against her lips and her tongue. She makes some funny faces when she is feeling them. Teething has made her more fussy than ever in her life but it's understandable. She is still happy and content most of the time.
Paige likes to wave her arms around, especially when she is holding something. She is slowly learning how to wave. 
Paige is in size 4 diapers and her 12 month clothes. I was surprised to find out she was still under 20 pounds at her last appointment. I can never kiss her chubby cheeks enough. 
Paige has started to pay attention to food. Now whenever we eat she watches us ha. She really likes yogurt and isn't fond of peaches or peas. She has figured out how to chomp on puffs too, she really enjoys those. She is good at drinking out of her sippy cup and loves to play with it. 
Paige wasn't sleeping through the night while she was teething but has finally gone back to do so! Makes me appreciate it so much.
Paige doesn't ever seemed to be phased when her sisters tackle her, accidentally hit her with something, or even when she bonks her head or falls over. I think she is just used to it that it's not even a big deal when it happens. She is a tough baby, and good thing too. 
I love when she sleeps with her bum in the air.
Love this happy girl of mine so much!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Sojourn to Utah: July 2020

We had another successful trip to Utah this summer! It's always great to see our families and some friends.

We left around noon on June 25th and I drove us to Albuquerque. We grabbed some dinner at Chick-Fil-A and let the girls play at a park to get some wiggles out before getting some gas at Costco and hitting the road again. We made it to Kaysville around 4:00 AM on the 26th. 

June 26
We went to sleep once we got inside but the girls didn't sleep in, kind of a bummer because we were all tired from the drive. Dan and I celebrated our seven year anniversary that evening by getting takeout from Taggart's and eating it on the mountainside enjoying the view we both miss.

June 27
We got the pool out and the Mike invited us over to his parent's house to swim in their swim spa. The girls loved it! The warm water was nice too.

June 28

June 30
I watched Luke while my parents went and helped Mike and Nikkole move out of their old house into their new one. And I got to teach HIGH Fitness with my favorite instructor!
Luke liked brushing Hayley's hair so he was following her around with the brush.
Luke didn't have his shoes because of the craziness of Mike and Nikkole moving so he wore Evelyn's, luckily they are the same size.

July 1
Dan's Mom got us Cherry Hill passes so we spent the evening there. Because of COVID you have to make reservations, but it's worth it since there are way less people. I wouldn't mind it being like that every summer.

July 2
Evelyn turned the Barbie's veil into a cape and said she was a superhero.

July 3
Matt, Andrea, and Beau came up for the weekend. We went swimming at Kelley's again and got some Chick-Fil-A for dinner afterwards.

July 4
We celebrated America's and Becky's birthday at Hayward's and Cherry Hill.
Evelyn does not like the birthday song for some reason.

July 5
We had church at home in the morning and spent the day with my family.

July 7
I got my hair done in the morning and we spent the afternoon playing outside. 

July 8
We spent the afternoon/evening with Haywards for Brittany's birthday. I made her a chocolate raspberry cake. We had dinner and then spent the evening at Cherry Hill.

July 9
We would get lunch from the school for free and Hayley wanted to show her Dad. Dan spent most mornings at Davis High doing business school homework.

July 10
Matt, Andrea, and Beau came up for the weekend again. We went boating at Pineview in the evening. Paige wasn't too fond of her life jacket. I mean I don't think any baby really is but she struggled the most out of our three girls. Our kiddos have to pass the boating test and she definitely got the lowest grade ha.

July 11
Hayley turned five years old today! I can't believe how big she is. Becky took her and Evelyn to Build-A-Bear in the morning and after nap time we headed up to Hyrum to celebrate my Grandma's 80th birthday. It had been a while since we had seen Grandma so it was so nice to be able to. I love her so much! I was a little worried about her party because of COVID but two weeks has passed and thankfully all is well.
We went for a short ride on Uncle Rex's motorcycle.

July 12
Today was the day we celebrated Hayley since we had other stuff going on on her actual birthday.

July 13
My Mom, Andrea, Nikkole, and I went to Hogle Zoo in the morning with our kids. We got Chick-Fil-A and took it to Sugarhouse Park to eat it afterwards. Then we spent the afternoon at Cherry Hill with Haywards and Howells. 

July 14
It was another boating day today. Paige did much better in her life jacket this time. 

July 15
Another morning spent at Cherry Hill.

July 16
We headed down to Saratoga Springs once Dan finished his schoolwork and we ate lunch. The boys all went shooting while the girls hung out and then we had some delicious brisket that Matt made for dinner.

July 17
Another morning spent at Cherry Hill.

July 18
I started off my Saturday morning by teaching a HIGH Fitness class. It was the best! It was fun to see old friends I hadn't seen in years. We spent the afternoon/evening at Hayward's just playing outside.

July 19
We actually went to church this morning. We wore our masks and there were only maybe 50 in the chapel but it was good to be there. We had dinner at Hayward's and took some family photos at Layton Park afterwards.

July 20
Uncle Mike had a pickleball tournament in Farmington so we went there and I played with the kids at the playground while the adults watched him. 

July 21
We were invited to a lunch Luau party at Kelley's and the girls just loved it. It was fun for them to play with a new friend and swim. After nap time we went over to Hayward's and spent time with Howells because Steve was in town too!

July 22
We hung out at my parent's until after nap time and then went to Hayward's. Dan kept the girls there until bedtime while I went and taught another HIGH Fitness class that night. 

July 23
I won two Splash Pass tickets to Cherry Hill so my Mom and Nikkole came with us this morning. It was fun and towards the end of our reservation it got cloudy so not many people were there. The girls had a sleepover at Hayward's that night with all their cousins. 

July 24
The girls slept well with their cousins, which kind of surprised me. We went over in the morning and got ready to go to Cherry Hill again. Then we spent the evening with my parents. My Mom got sparklers for the kids and they enjoyed them.

July 25
We were supposed to be home today but I am grateful we extended our trip a few extra days. Dan went down to Saratoga Springs in the morning with my parents to help Matt and Andrea with their basement. I drove down around nap time and we had dinner with them. Dan and I went to the outlets at Traverse after and then headed home. 

July 26
We did home church at Hayward's this morning. It was fun and kind of crazy with all the Hayward cousins. 

July 27
We were going to go boating one last time last week and the weather did not permit so thankfully we got it in this afternoon. I can still ski!

July 28
We had another little swim party at Kelley's this morning, and then spent the afternoon/evening with Hayward's. I went to my best friend's HIGH Fitness Anniversary class tonight and it was amazing. Jenna is the best instructor ever!

July 29
We packed up all our stuff in the morning before heading to Cherry Hill one last time. We said our goodbyes there and loaded everything up once we got home. We said goodbye to my family and hit the road.

July 30
We arrived back in Lubbock around 9:00 AM. We hit a stinking deer just outside of Monticello but it didn't do too much damage and Dan has already fixed the car as best as he can. 

It was really good for my heart and soul to be in Utah for so long, as it always is. There isn't much to do in Lubbock anyway but especially right now and it's not like I really want to go out and do a ton of stuff either. Coming back hasn't been as hard to get back into as it has been in the past but that doesn't mean it still hasn't been hard. Dan has already started his second year of med school so it is back to the grind for us all.