Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Paige: Six Months

This milestone has really hit me. I cannot believe Paige is six months and in another six months will be a year old.
Paige's personality keeps getting better. She has started reaching for and grabbing faces and I love it. She started leaning toward me when we are facing each other and when our foreheads connect she smiles. It's the best and makes my heart burst. She is the most ticklish on her back but I can get her to laugh by tickling her legs and toes and sides too.
Paige can sit up by herself but falls over after a little while. She has started to grab anything that is around her and it can be entertaining to watch her concentrate and try so hard. She has rolled over from her stomach to her back but isn't super consistent with it yet. And she has rolled from back to stomach on a bed, so we don't really count that. But Dan and I are fine with her being immobile ha. Having three kids to constantly keep my eyes on will be a challenge.
Paige drools a lot. She loves to suck on anything she can get her hands on. She found her toes today. I have enjoyed watching her play with them. She still loves sticking her fingers in her mouth, always at least two and sometimes more. We started giving her food a couple weeks ago. She has had sweet potatoes, squash, bananas, and apples. She didn't seem too fond of the bananas but ate the rest pretty well. The first two days were a challenge but she picked up on opening her mouth when the spoon came near pretty quick. It has gone better than it did with the other two but they were also a little younger when we started giving them food. She has stopped spitting up for the most part, which is nice.
Since she has started eating food she is back to sleeping for 10-12 hours at night. She was only doing 5-8 hour stretches (I know, I realize I am spoiled) for a week and it was not fun. She has done amazing being in her crib. I have really enjoyed nursing her too so I am happy to keep doing it.
Paige is still in size 2 diapers, but we will probably go up to 3s once we finish off the 2s we have. She is also already in 6-month clothes, some even 9 months ha. But it all works out because the 9-month clothes are the warm weather clothes I have from Hayley and Evelyn and it is getting warm here in Texas. She kind of freaks out when I put things over her head, she does not like it. She is a chubbers and we love it. Her leg rolls are just delicious.
Paige is still thee happiest little baby. She is truly an angel. She is content to just sit and be. It is nice when we need to attend to the other girls. She is also a champ at going down for naps or bedtime. I can put her in her crib and she will put herself to sleep. I sing "You Are My Sunshine" to her every time I lay her down to sleep because it is the perfect song for her. She gets so excited when she sees me after waking up. It does make me a little sad she doesn't fall asleep in my arms as much anymore. I love holding her while she sleeps.
When she gets excited she sticks her hands out and they just kind of shake. She will also breathe in and make the pterodactyl sound. It's fun to see what gets her excited. Sometimes she will do it when she is just playing by herself, I love it. She has also started making an o with her mouth. She fake coughs when she wants to be dramatic. If she hadn't been doing it for months my paranoid self would be worried it was corona or something.
We have finally started taking her outside more. Because it's always windy here she wouldn't be able to breathe very well when we'd go outside. Plus it was cold. It's fun for all of us to go out and enjoy some fresh air.
Oh, how we all enjoy and adore this sweet, little spirit!
Playing peek-a-boo through the window.
Picnic in the living room.
This onesie is from Uncle Matt and Aunt Andrea and came all the way from Paris.
Baby cleavage haha.
This poncho is one of my favorite baby items. Hayley and Eve both wore it too.
Hayley wanted to read Paige some stories in the teepee. She is a great big sister.
Third baby in this outfit from Aunt Nikkole.
Happy Easter!
Hayley made her a bed on the couch.
Dress from Grandma Susan.

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