Monday, September 12, 2016

Sojourn to Bear Lake: August 2016 & Camping: Labor Day Weekend

August 21-24
Peter, Brittany, and Hadley were in town from Texas for a little bit in August so while they were here we arranged to go up to Bear Lake for a few days for some family time. We got to our rental cabin on Sunday afternoon and got settled in before having some dinner. After dinner the girls played in the sand of the volleyball court and Peter and Brittany showed us how to play spike ball. Sunday night was rough for Hayley. She doesn't sleep too well in pack n plays to begin with and after she had been asleep for 2 hours Dan woke her up accidentally and then she was up for 5 hours! Becky and I went on an hour drive and she fell asleep but woke up when I tried putting her back in bed. I tried laying with her and eventually Becky fed her and got her to sleep. What an amazing Grandma she is. Plus my other Sister-in-Law, Audrey, went into labor Sunday night and had her second little boy the next morning, and we wouldn't have known if we were all in bed. We are so excited to have another nephew, Jackson. If only he didn't live all the way in Delaware.
Monday we went to the lake. Becky rented us some jet skis so we took turns riding them around. We even put Hayley on one with us twice and she wasn't so sure at first, but she just needed some convincing. Gotta teach her young to like all things water. She loved playing in the sand and walking around in the water. She's our little fishy. For dinner we were planning on going to Summit Inn Pizza, but it's only open on the weekend! What kind of restaurant does that? So we went to Firehouse Pizza instead and got some raspberry shakes after. Luckily we were all pretty worn out from the night before so we slept pretty well.
Beach babes.
Love twinning with my mini.
Tuesday we played some tennis and hung out in the morning then went to Minnetonka Cave in the afternoon. I was a little nervous about it at first but it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be so we made it all the way through. Hayley and Hadley had kind of a rough time since we stopped every few minutes, but we managed. It was some good exercise. Tuesday night we went to a seafood restaurant and it was delicious. We played some games before going to bed.
Inside the cave.
Wednesday morning we had to pack up and be out by 10:00. We stopped by Gossner Cheese Factory in Logan on our way home, have to get those chocolate milk boxes. Then we decided to head to Carlos & Harley's for lunch. It has become a Hayward favorite. We all took a two hour nap once we got home, it was so nice. It was a fun few days and it's always good to see Peter, Brittany, and Hadley.

September 2-4
Matt and Andrea found a good camping spot in Samak, near Kamas. We, my parents and Mike and Nikkole, met up with them on Friday afternoon and set up our tents. (Dan went to Arizona with his Dad and Peter for the BYU game.) Hayley enjoyed playing in the dirt and walking everywhere. Hayley and I slept in two sleeping bags zipped together and she wiggles a lot when she sleeps so the first night was a little rough because she would wake up when she'd move and I don't think she was warm enough. I tried putting a hat on her but when she'd wiggle it'd come off. Our tent didn't sleep the best that first night.
Saturday we drove to Midway for Swiss Days. It was fun seeing all the different tents and eating some "Swiss" lunch. We made a Walmart stop before heading back to camp because this trip was a trip of forgetfulness. We all forgot something. Hayley took her nap on the ride home. We played around the campsite until dinner. Hayley was pretty tired so she didn't really move much this night and was able to keep her hat on and slept through the night. It was nice. I wish I could have ha.
Cutest little camping buddy ever.
Sunday we decided to drive up to some of the lakes and stopped by a waterfall on the way back. Hayley was in heaven because there were dogs everywhere and she loves them. It was a little chilly but we had fun. Daniel came and got Hayley and I Sunday. He got there in the afternoon and joined us for dinner. We headed home after since he had to work. It was good he came and rescued us because I guess Sunday night was really cold.
I love this daughter of mine so much!
I'm glad Hayley got to experience camping. Everything is so different with a child. You have to bring so much more stuff and I like to try and be prepared for everything so it can be stressful but she had fun and that's what matters. Plus my family is super helpful with her so that was nice. 

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