Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hayley: Eleven Months

It's a good thing we only have to take this picture one more time because it is getting so hard to get her to just lay still! She is a little busy body. ALL. THE. TIME.
She gets into anything and everything she can get her hands on. And because of that I have had to try and teach her what is and isn't acceptable for her to touch/play with. She definitely knows when she isn't supposed to be doing something because she'll try and run away as soon as I get up to stop her or she'll just laugh at me when I try and have the stern Mom voice. She is going to give us a run for our money. I try not to laugh, but sometimes it's just too funny. She lifts up her hand in the direction of things she wants, which again is anything and everything, and will make the most adorable little "ooh" sound. It's fun to see her experience new things and try and figure stuff out. She wants to walk everywhere, but is still too hesitant to take steps by herself. She likes to have both your hands, but just barely started being ok with only holding on to one. She is getting better at standing up by herself and continually does it for longer periods of time. I hope she never grows out of her excited squeal because I love it and how her little toes and hands wiggle when she's excited. I didn't realize that her cheeks had thinned a little until I looked at past pictures. They are still chubby, but not as big as they were, which seems to happen when babies become more mobile. I am pretty positive that if I let her eat all day long, she would. I swear she is bottomless pit, like her Dad. She loves to play peek-a-boo, be asked how big she is so she can put her hands up, look at books, clap her hands, wave, snuggle her stuffed animals with her face, and we're currently working on high-fives. She will also give you hugs and kisses, most of the time, if you ask for them. It is the sweetest thing! She will dance whenever she hears music, including the organ at church, or when you tell her to shake it. She is a smart little baby, an example being that she'll point the remote at the TV and push the buttons until it turns on. We are going to have to start being a little more cautious of the things we do and say in front of her. She will also pull her clothes off her head. I have to get her arms out but she does the rest. She picks things up easily. She sleeps with her cute, little butt in the air most of the time. Besides hi, she also says Dad and bob, which we think means ball, and the occasional uh-oh. She has been fighting naps more lately and is down to 1-2 a day. She did well while we were in California but was definitely happy to see us again. It made me a little teary eyed after she recognized us and got all giggly and giddy. She is a little water lover! We went to the splash pad and she was happy as could be to just sit and play with the water. I am excited to take her swimming lots this summer. Summer is pretty great with a little one.
Hayley enjoyed Pizza Pie Cafe.
I'm thinking this is her, "Another picture in the tub?" face.
Hayley's arena. Her makeshift bed while we stayed with Great Grandma Harris in St. George.
She really wanted to pet those ducks.
4 generations. 
The attempted first ponytail.
Hayley comes to work with me sometimes.
Hopefully my future teammate.
Hayley loves the water! We had fun at the splash pad.
Seriously, she's going to be a little mermaid. She wasn't happy that she couldn't get in but loved watching it.
Hayley and her buddy, Vince.
Because of horrible things I read about and see in this world there are moments where I have to hold Hayley extra tight and close, even when she doesn't want me to, because I know how precious those moments with her are. I know why I have been blessed to be her Mother, not entirely but I have a pretty good idea most of the time. And I don't know why there are others who have yet to receive such blessings who have been yearning for them far longer than me, but I am grateful that she is mine and that she is healthy and happy. I am grateful I get to raise such a beautiful little child. I am grateful that she came to us when she did, even though that meant unforeseen challenges. I am grateful I get to spend so much time with her. I am grateful that mine is not the trial to want for a child and not receive, and my heart goes out to those who experience that. My heart is full today that I bear the title Mother.
Gordon B. Hinckley, "You have nothing in this world more precious than your children."

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