Friday, January 7, 2022

Sojourn to Utah: December 2021

Another trip to Utah in the books. It was pretty great besides almost all of the Harris families being sick, two of us getting COVID once again. But I'd do it all over because I love being able to spend the holidays with our families.

December 17
I spent all morning getting us ready to go. The plan was to leave around noon once Hayley got home from school but Dan's test took longer than he thought it would so we ended up leaving around 1:00. I drove us to Albuquerque where we had dinner and changed the girls in to their pajamas, and Dan drove us to Kaysville throughout the rest of the night. We arrived around 4:00 AM.

Dan got Hayley a captain hat because she is in charge of the middle row and helping out her sisters.

December 18
We all got in our beds once arriving at my parent's house and slept in until around 8:00 AM. We did some un packing and just had a relaxing Saturday. 

December 19
We went to church at our old ward in Kaysville with Dan's parents. It was good to see some old friends. We sure love the Kaysville 20th ward. We only stayed for Sacrament Meeting since second hour was around nap time and the girls had some lingering coughs (Hayley most likely had the flu the week before we went to Utah. I was really hoping they'd be in the clear since we had a week to get healthy and I definitely tried to get them there but alas). After nap time we headed back over to Paul and Becky's to have Sunday dinner.

December 20
Peter, Brittany, Dan, and I all went to a Jazz Game together. Becky was nice enough to watch all six of our girls while we went. We ate at Skinny Fats at Hallpass inside the Gateway. Neither of us had been there since they added this so it was cool to do something different and new. Peter's office is right across the street from ESA so we got some sweet parking too. I can never go to a game without that again ha. The game was great and it was so fun to be able to cheer for my Jazz in person again. I miss going to games regularly.

Britt and I saw these sweatshirts before the game started and really liked them. Lucky for us they happened to be the item of the game so naturally we had to get one!

December 21
We attempted round one of Fotofly Santa this morning. Paige was NOT having it so she wasn't even included in the last pose. It's fine. We hung out the rest of the day at my parent's and then I taught HIGH Fitness with Jenna and Jezz that evening. I love being able to teach with them! It's always a party.

December 22
Round two of Fotofly Santa went much better. I dressed up as Santa this time and my Mom came and helped. She did great trying to get Paige to smile. As soon as we were done there we headed down to Thanksgiving Point with Nikkole and her boys to meet up with Andrea and her boys. We had a blast at the animal farm and the dinosaur museum. We spent hours there so we just ate in the dinosaur cafe after we went through the museum. It was pretty tasty, I would recommend it. When we got back we headed to Paul and Becky's and had dinner over there once Becky got home. 
Santa's attire is a little big for me...
I made Paige ride the pony and she clearly loved every second of it.
Love snuggles from baby B.

December 23
I had my bi annual trip to the hair salon this morning. It was beyond time for my ends to be trimmed. And I don't realize how much my blonde fades/grows out until I get it done again. I love a fresh cut and color. Kristie at Blondie's & Co is the best y'all! I took Hayley and Evelyn to good old Kaysville Theater to see Encanto cause Peter and Britt invited us and were taking their girls. If you haven't seen that movie yet, go watch it right now! It was so good and the movie and soundtrack have been on repeat ever since. Dan went to another Jazz game with Peter so I had dinner with my bestie and former companion, Ashley, at Zupas. It's always good to catch up with her in person (we Marco constantly and I am super grateful for that). The girls had a sleepover with their cousins at Grandma Becky's. 

December 24
Did my annual Christmas Eve HIGH this morning. Love starting my day this way. And I love teaching in Utah cause the crowds and energy are on another level! We spent the day with my family. Matt and Andrea arrived in the late afternoon. We read the Christmas story out of the bible that night before bed and had a talk about the true meaning of why we celebrate Christmas. 
I adore each of these instructors so much!
Christmas jammies!

December 25
I am going to be sad when my kids don't sleep til a normal hour on Christmas ha. We woke up around 8:00, had breakfast, and then did presents with my family. After we had lunch we put Paige down for a nap and once she woke up we headed to Paul and Becky's for dinner and Christmas there. It was a fun day and I am grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful people. We are so blessed! I'm grateful for my Savior who made it all possible and His willingness to come into the world the way He did and all who were part of that miracle. 

December 26
We went to church with my parent's today. I love being back in the Barnes Park Ward. It definitely feels like home and probably always will. So grateful I got to grow up in such an amazing ward surrounded by amazing families. We had a nice dinner with my whole family and played some games, did karaoke (thanks Mom for that gift!), and decorated sweater cookies. 
I tried to make mine look like tie-dye.

December 27
I took extended family photos of a sweet lady in my parent's ward that I grew up with this morning. She has five kids and they were all together for the first time in a long time. It also finally snowed today, not that I was missing it ha. My Mom took the kids for a walk seconds before a storm came and so it didn't last very long but it was good for them to get out for a moment. I don't know how I survived so many years living in the cold.

December 28
I went to breakfast with my cute friend Amber at Kneader's this morning. I think this is going to have to be our new tradition. She is an amazing woman and I love being able to talk with her. As soon as we were done I took photos of Matt and Andrea and their boys in a studio. I'm grateful Andrea asks me to capture their family, it means the world to me that she trusts me to. That evening I went and taught HIGH with Jenna, Jezz, and Kelli again. 

December 29
My entire family went down to Heber early this afternoon to ride the North Pole Express. We had lunch at Dairy Keen first and then rode the train to the North Pole. We got a delicious Suss Cookie, hot chocolate, sang songs, and got a visit from Santa. It was a fun experience and I'm grateful for my Mom for planning it for us and our kids. 
Paige loved the train that went around the restaurant.

December 30
My Mom and I took Hayley and Evelyn down to City Creek in the afternoon and did some shopping. She had to water a coworkers plants that lives downtown so we decided to do that after. It was nice of her to buy some clothes for my girls and mostly fun to shop with them. Sometimes I wonder why I ever bring them along but it was good for the most part. We had Cafe Rio at Paul and Becky's after we got back from Salt Lake.

December 31
Dan played outside in the snow with Hayley and Evelyn for a bit while Paige took a nap. I spent a majority of the morning and afternoon packing up so we could leave the next day. Nikkole was over with Luke and Todd so we played some games after dinner until they were ready to head to bed. It was fun playing games with all the adults (Matt and Andrea stayed at my parent's all week too). We went to bed around 10:00. Staying up 'til midnight is over rated ha.
Todd was loving on Evelyn all evening. It was so cute.

January 1
We started packing almost immediately after waking up. After my Mom made scones for breakfast we went over to Paul and Becky's to say goodbye to them and Peter and Brittany. It's always bittersweet saying goodbye. Once we got everything packed up and loaded in the car we hit the road, which was around 1:00. My Dad graciously gifted us one of his three smokers and that proved to be a challenge to get home but it made it in one piece, tipped over with one leg bent but in one piece.

January 2
Because of the road conditions (being snowy and icy) it took us a little longer to get home but we made it around 8:00 AM on Sunday morning. We did third Christmas because Santa brought our presents to our house even though we were in Utah.

I was excited to get back into the swing of things here in Lubbock but because I tested positive for COVID that didn't happen. Thankfully the girls nor Dan got it and so I have been the only one who has been sick. After four days I am feeling better and grateful it has, once again, been mild for me. Plus we have had some wonderful friends bring us treats and dinners and it has been a tender reminder to me that there are still good, kind people in this world.