Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Evelyn: Four Years

 My little Cinco de Mayo child is officially four years old.

Evelyn is FULL of personality! This sweet, little girl really came with one that is all her own. She constantly makes us laugh at the silly thing she does, while also making us mutter at the crazy things she does. I have no idea where she gets some of the ideas she does or why her little brain thinks it's a good idea to what she does ha. I try to laugh most of it off but sometimes it is hard. She tries me in the best ways.
Sourpatch kid is truly a good definition of her, first she can be sour and then she can be sweet. When she wants to do something she is all in, but when she doesn't want to do something then good luck getting her to. She can be fairly stubborn but I am hopeful it'll be a good thing one day. She tends to get easily frustrated too but we're working on learning how to deal with that.
Evelyn absolutely likes to be fancy. She is usually wearing one of her princess dresses or is in some sort of skirt or dress up. She likes having her nails painted and has even drawn on them with marker, along with her lips to look like lipstick. (I had to hide the markers.) She also likes to wear the most random things (just scroll through some photos below). She had some interesting fashion choices as a three year old, hopefully it won't trickle into this year but something tells me it's gonna be a battle to get her to wear something "normal" to school once she starts going.
Evelyn likes to climb on and up anything and everything. We had to remove the bookshelf from their room because she would not stop climbing it. She could be a really good acrobat one day. I am honestly surprised she isn't the one who ended our no ER visits track record. 
Evelyn enjoys watching "shows." She could do it all day every day if I let her, and I'll be honest it has come close some days because I'm the relief society secretary, mom of three, med school wife, fitness instructor, etc. Life is busy, but good. She also enjoys playing with any type of princess things and Barbies. She is good at playing by herself and it makes me smile when I see her in the play room just doing her own thing.
Evelyn is still a small girl. She could fit in 2T things until recently and 4T stuff is kinda big on her. Her hair still has a little curl to it. It lightens up a lot over the summer from the sun. 
Evelyn still loves cheese, basically any and all in whatever form (sliced, stick, shredded). She also loves chick-fil-a sauce and will eat it with her fingers. She enjoys all treats/sweets, like most kids. 
Evelyn loves her yellow blanket. It is starting to get little holes from being loved so much. She rotates which stuffed animal she likes to sleep with, but it is usually between her build-a-bear monkey, little red monkey, and her new "piggy bank" as she calls this stuffed purple pig that has a zipper that she got from Grandma Becky.
Potty training has been a challenge with her. She just doesn't care to use the toilet and flat out says she doesn't want to sometimes. Dan and I don't get it, but she has SLOWLY made progress. The accidents are now farther between and she has even stopped needing to wear pull ups at night. She was terrible at going to bed at night so we cut out nap time and that helped. She falls asleep almost instantly now and it is wonderful. Every once in a while she takes a mini nap because she will need it but we avoid them if possible. 
Evelyn enjoys playing outside. She likes to play at the park, ride her bike/trike, swim in the pool (especially if there are water balloons involved), playing in the bounce house, etc. 
One of my more recent favorite memories of her: she was trying to hula hoop but couldn't and angrily screamed, "I can't wiggle my body!" And then she got even more upset when Dan and I started laughing at her. It was hard not to.

We had a nice party for Evelyn on Saturday May 8th in our home. We did a taco bar and then had cake and ice cream. We are lucky to be surrounded by amazing friends here in Lubbock!