Sunday, December 22, 2019

Paige: Two Months

I almost forgot that Paige is two months old today! Time is going by too quick.
Paige is truly an amazing baby. She rarely cries, she just kind of softly squawks to let you know she needs you. She has basically been sleeping through the night since the beginning of December. She goes 8-10.5 hours every night. It has been the best and I hope it lasts! She still sleeps in her bassinet next to me every night but I'm thinking she can probably go to a crib soon.
She started smiling, and I love that that is her reaction to me when I talk to her. She is slowly finding her voice. I can tell that it is "on the tip of her tongue." I enjoy the little coos she makes when she can muster them out. She seems close to laughing and I can't wait to hear what it will sound like. I love that she is showing a little bit of her personality now that she doesn't sleep all day ha.
She has already been on an airplane and did great! She slept the whole time on both flights. I just wore her in my solly wrap and it worked wonderfully. She has now officially met all her grandparents and her Harris Aunts & Uncles.
She is really good at holding up her head, even with her chubby cheeks. I love kissing those cheeks. She is a solid little baby, a little different than my previous two. She is already filling out her 3 month clothes, and still in size 1 diapers. I am curious to know what her stats will be at her two-month check-up when we get back to Texas.
She has thin hair on the top of her head but everywhere else it's a little thicker and longer. She is getting the famous baby bald spot on the back of her head. I am not the best at having her do tummy time but she does well when I remember. She has the slightest bit of cradle cap, it's hardly noticeable. Her baby acne comes and goes. Neither of those two things have gotten as bad as it did with my other two. I don't know if it's just her, the time of year, or where we live. It's interesting to see the way things effect my kids differently.
Her sisters still absolutely adore her and are so good at helping me with her. Whenever Evelyn hears her she runs right to where ever she is and makes sure she is ok. It will be so fun to see them all play together one day.
She eats really well and only spits up every once in a while. Since being in Utah and doing things she has now taken a bottle and did really well with it. Not planning on using one often but glad she takes it when we need her to. Occasionally she struggles with burping. It's like she's trying to force it out instead of letting it come out on its own. She gets the hiccups all the time, just like her sisters did. She likes to stick her tongue out a lot after she has just been fed.
She has had a little bit of a stuffy nose the past few days and I hope it doesn't turn into anything worse. I have been super cautious and protective of her because I do not want her to get sick. She is my first winter baby so this has been a new experience.
Napping with Dad.
Hayley thought Paige needed a bear.
Studying with Dad.
Finally met Grandpa Ted.
Passed out after eating.
Santa and the Harris cousins.
I feel like these posts keep getting shorter because I can't focus on her all day, everyday, and notice more of the little things like I could more so with her sisters. But it's all good and what matters is that I love her so much and am so grateful for the amazing blessing she is to us all!

Side note: at her two-month check-up she weighed 13 lbs. 1 oz. (85th percentile) and was 24 inches long (75th percentile). She is our mini Dan! Haha.