Sunday, July 15, 2018

Hayley: Three Years

It's kind of hard to believe that this little girl has only been in our lives for three years. It feels like much longer, in a good way. I love our little Hayley bug and seeing learn and grow is so much fun!
Hayley is my brave little girl, most of the time. I am glad she came first because I think she will be at encouraging her siblings to do scary things. She likes to try new things and acts like she is a big kid.
Hayley is really smart. She amazes me with the things she notices and picks up. Dan is really good at teaching her new things and she constantly impresses me with what she remembers.
Hayley likes to have her finger and toenails painted. She loves the colors. And she likes to wear my high heels around the house.
Hayley loves her sister. She is pretty good at helping out with her. She definitely picks on her and annoys her, she is a normal sibling ha, but she loves to be around her and play with her. They sleep in the same room and I can hear them up giggling way past their bedtime most nights, but it makes my Mama heart happy. I hope they always stay best friends. She can make Evelyn laugh harder than anyone.
Hayley still loves to swim. Every time she prays she thanks Heavenly Father for swimming (and whales, which I still have no idea where that came from because she doesn't watch whale movies or have a whale anything). We love going to Cherry Hill with Aunt Nikkole during the summer. She also loves to jump around. Ever since we went to the trampoline park in Lubbock she always wants to go jumping. And she pulls the cushions off the couch, stacks them up, and jumps around on them. We also got her her own slide because she would get creative in making her own.
Hayley enjoys watching movies and shows. It's nice when I need to sleep after work, while Evelyn naps. She goes through different phases of what she likes to watch, but The Incredibles, Monster's Inc., PJ Masks, and Mickey Mouse seem to be constant favorites.
Hayley still isn't a super picky eater but it has become a chore to get her to eat enough. She takes forever sometimes ha, and it can be painful to get her to eat. She used to think yogurt was ice cream, I thought it was a good idea to roll with that but Dan has since corrected her. She loves treats and candy. She would probably eat fruit snacks and a granola bar for every meal if she had it her way, or mac and cheese. She also loves popcorn.
Hayley is good at keeping herself entertained and has a good imagination. She definitely keeps us entertained and is super funny. She came with her own personality.
Hayley still takes naps, usually 2 hours every afternoon, and I'm hoping that lasts another year while I'm still working nights at the Temple. She is rarely happy to take naps or even go to bed at night but is usually more compliant after she's had a story. She likes having her back scratched to help her fall asleep.
In her three short years of life, Hayley has now been to 7 states (not including layovers) and Canada. She has been on an airplane 4 times, 1 road trip, and 1 cruise.
They have an arranged marriage.
She got smart and figured out her stool could help her get to the cookies.
She loves wearing my heels.
I came home from work at 2:30 AM and she was in the living room asleep on the floor.
Stuck in the fridge handle.
Mummy hot dogs for lunch.
Princess Poppy for Halloween.
The cake she chose after winning the cake walk. She loves sprinkles and will ask to eat them plain.
She also loves to eat snow.
She is good at and so sweet when saying her prayers.
Disney On Ice.
Working out with Mom.
She LOVES popcorn.
We celebrated Hayley's birthday on Sunday, July 15 at our home. Her theme was "Under the Sea." Her cake was done by the amazing Kiss Me Cake (Jessica Francis). We did a Mermaid pinata and enjoyed visiting with friends and family. Hayley is so loved!
Side note: Hayley weighs 30 pounds and is 37 inches tall.