Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hayley: Eighteen Months

Much can happen for a toddler in six months. Hayley has grown and learned a lot. I am amazed and so proud! I am also more tired than I have ever been (even more than as a missionary and that's really saying something). Between growing Hayley's little brother/sister and chasing her around all the time I am worn out. How do people do this for years?! Moms really are superheroes.
Hayley likes to scurry, I say scurry because she doesn't really walk and she doesn't full on run so scurry is a happy medium. She is always moving, ALWAYS, which has been evidenced since her time in the womb. (Her sibling is proving to be the same.) If she sits still then something is wrong, usually she is extremely tired or sick. I thought we had gotten really lucky in the health department with her, and I guess we did up until the end of November when she had some weird allergic reaction on her face and diarrhea for 5 days straight. So we took her to her first unprecedented Dr.'s visit and got some medicine for her face and gave them poop samples, which all came back normal so we have no idea what was going on. She has since had the same thing happen once more but thankfully it didn't last as long. Since then she has had colds and fevers off and on. 'Tis the season I guess.
Hayley is a little chatterbox. She knows all kinds of animal sounds, just don't ask her what the bunny says (thanks to Dan it's inaccurate). She can spell her name if you ask her what comes after the letter she just said. She has her two syllable words down and will try and say almost any word you ask her to. She loves to talk on the phone, and to herself. She can say little phrases like, "here you go," "come on," and "let's go!" One of my favorite things she says is, "Bless you," after someone has sneezed. It's the sweetest thing. She went through a little phase of saying "no" all the time and we'll just say it was my not my favorite. Now instead of saying no to everything, including things she should say yes to, she'll say "ok". How she says that is pretty cute, especially when she's kind of sad. She likes to sing along with the music and swings her little arm as if she is leading it like the chorister. I also love how she blows kisses when people say goodbye.
Hayley loves Curious George, which has replaced her old love of Clifford. She wants to watch him every day, all day. Luckily she still loves her books too. She also got quite a few fun, new toys for Christmas that keep both of us entertained. We used to go outside almost every day when it was warm, because she loves playing at the park, but have had to resort to finding ways to entertain ourselves inside. She can "color", in an 18-month-old way ha. She did enjoy running around in the snow and being pulled in the sled. She loves to climb on to, in, and over anything and everything. She lives for bath time. She loves going outside my parents' and now our apartment to see the neighbor's dogs. Most of the time when she hears music she will dance, especially if someone else is.
Hayley has definitely turned into a pickier eater. I can't just feed her mashed up whatever anymore ha. She loves things with cheese, which I ate a lot of while I was pregnant with her. She loves berries, yogurt, and almost any kind of sweets. She also really likes her Grandma Becky's rolls (but let's be honest, who doesn't love those?!) She has all of her molars and is still missing two teeth on top and four teeth on the bottom. I am getting a little anxious as to when she is going to get those other bottom teeth. At least she enjoys brushing them!
We weaned her off the binky about a month after she turned one, and then I ended up giving it back to her while we were on her cruise because I wanted life to be easier for everyone else. It was easier the second time around and we haven't looked back since. She has started to wake up in the middle of the night occasionally and sometimes she'll sooth herself but others I have to go in and help her but she falls back asleep pretty quick. Her naps are usually in the afternoon, which will make nursery interesting now that we have moved to 1:00 church. Speaking of nursery, I took her to the last hour of it on Sunday and she did swell. She started playing with toys and I snuck away and may have cried a little while I was walking to Young Women's.
Hayley is an obedient little child, she will do things that I ask her to when she understands. She is pretty good at sharing without being asked. She knows when she's in trouble cause she gets that evil little grin on her face. If she finds things on the ground she will put them in the garbage and then clap for herself ha. She is also a smart little thing. She will probably be better than me at technology in a few years. She is not easily fooled. She also loves to say hi to anyone and everyone. She is a friendly little nugget and it makes me a little nervous about stranger danger in the future ha.
Weber Fireworks.
She loves playing in car seats.
We lived at Cherry Hill over the summer.
Hayley and her friends.
Camping! She loved playing the dirt.
At her 15 month check-up she weighed 20 pounds and was 31 inches tall. 
At the Dr.'s office.
Temple Square for YW's.
One of her Christmas presents. 
First day in nursery!
We're pretty excited for Hayley to be a big sister in May!