Friday, September 11, 2015

Hayley: Two Months

Hayley bug has been in our lives for two months now! And I know parents say this all the time, but it's so true, I really don't know how we lived without her. She has our hearts and we love her more than we can express!
She is showing her personality more and more everyday. She finally started really smiling at 6 weeks and "talking" at about 7 weeks. I love hearing her make her little coos in reaction to seeing or hearing things. She likes bright colored things and will "talk" when you read her picture books. Her hands are active ALL THE TIME. They're in little fists or grabbing on to whatever she can grab - my clothes, her blankets, her other hand. She just barely started sucking on her hands. She only needs fed once during the night, which is super nice for my need of sleep, and is good most of the time about falling back asleep by herself. She is still spitting up, but not as often as she did in her first month. We have gone up to size 1 diapers and she has had blowouts more often, good thing we have spare clothes in the diaper bag! Putting her blanket up around her face will comfort her, but she can't be swaddled because she has to have her arms free to move about if she wishes. She loves to bounce and will fall asleep in her bouncer or in her swing. She discovered her leg muscles a couple weeks ago and is really good at standing up on them. I think if she could hold on to something she would be able to stand, she's that strong. She still sleeps most of the day so whenever we go on adventures she is usually asleep, but I'll just enjoy that while it lasts. She cries when she needs her diaper changed, when she's hangry, and when she needs to go to sleep. She is a jumpy little girl and gets startled easily (my sneezes have caused her to cry from scaring her). Her hair is lightening and we have received some comments about it looking redish. I can see a little strawberry ginge tinge in it. She really is a great little girl and we feel so blessed to have her in our lives! I love that I now know little things about her, what she seems to like and what she doesn't.
Swim baby!
Think the life jacket is too big?
Grandma Susan doing what she does best.
Cherry Hill.
The Zoo.
Daddy's present from his trip to Boston.
I LOVE this smiley girl!
Workin' on tummy time.
Chillin' in the bumbo.
I feel like we are getting more adjusted into our roles as parents. We are blessed to have friends and family watch her now that I am back at work and Dan is up on campus more with school. I'm glad I only have to miss her for 4 hours a day for 4 days a week. It was a little weird taking her to someone else's home for a little while, I cried just a bit on my way to work. It's only going to get worse when I have to go back to school but thankfully she'll be little and won't really remember, and I'll try not to worry about those days until they come.
All in all I love being Hayley's Mom and am so grateful for all she has taught me so far. I just want to hug her so close and tight and kiss her and eat her up, I love her so!

Side note: on September 17 we had her two month check-up and she is in the 30th percentile for weight, 60th for height, and 85th for head circumference. Doc is a little worried about her weight and wants me to supplement to get it up a little. She did better than I thought she would getting her shots, didn't cry for too long. I'm glad Dan was there to hold her so I could leave the room. Sad experience but for the best because we want her to live a long, healthy life!