Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Evelyn: Seven Months

Why do they have to grow up so fast? I wish I could just keep Eve this age for a while. She is so fun and so cute and I really dislike how much they have to grow in the first year.
Evelyn can now sit up on her own. She started doing that a few weeks ago. She is also rolling all over the place. She is a wiggle worm and never sits still. She always wants to be holding onto something and loves to play with her toys.
She started making this snake-like noise where she sticks out her tongue and kind of spits/blows.
Hayley can make her laugh more than I can and it kind of annoys me sometimes. I'm the Mom, she's supposed to love me the most ha.
She doesn't really take super long naps anymore but naps a few times throughout the day.
She is eating more amounts of food but is still having some issues with constipation.
She is still in size 2 diapers and her 6-month clothes. I think she has a long torso, like her Dad, because her 6-month onesies probably won't last much longer but she could still fit in 3-month pants.
She drools A LOT. Still no sign of teeth though. She tries and grab anything and everything within reach and then puts it straight to her mouth. She isn't too much of a "talker."
She and Hayley have been sharing a room, hoping to help Hayley stay in her bed at night but unfortunately that didn't work. She is finally in her crib that we repainted and has transitioned well.
She had some pretty big firsts this last month. She flew on an airplane and did really well- she slept almost the whole way there and slept the whole way home. She also swam in a pool and loved it. I am so glad we have little water lovin' babies. 
Sleeping with her feet in the air.
First flight!
Phoenix Zoo.
First night in her crib!
She and Hayley loved being pushed around the kitchen on Peppa Pig.
She brings so much love into our home. We are so blessed to have her!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Evelyn: Six Months

It's hard to believe this little girl is already half a year old!
Evelyn gives me such a self esteem boost. Anytime I come near her or look at her from across the room she smiles at me. I feel such love from her and it's amazing. She always gets excited to be picked up. She started doing what Hayley would do when she'd get excited: wiggle her little wrists and feet. She also started crossing her little feet, and Hayley would do that too. She rolled from her back to stomach on October 25. She is also getting better at sitting up by herself and can do it for good chunks of time before toppling over. She has found her toes and I think it's adorable when she plays with them and tries to eat them. Everyone thinks she's a little chunk because of her big cheeks but she's on the low end of the growth chart in weight and height. She's still in size 1 diapers and now her 6 month clothes. She does this little cough laugh that is kinda goofy. She loves being chased by Hayley around the island in the kitchen. They are so cute together. She always smiles when Hayley comes over to her when she's in her swing or in the morning when they first wake up. She has been a little constipated again, poor baby, and I hope her little body gets used to food soon. She seemed to be doing better for a while and then back tracked again. She has also started spitting up a little bit again. She is getting better at eating food and actually swallows it now ha. Her hair is getting lighter and it's a pretty good length so it's nice and fuzzy. She is pretty friendly and smiles at everyone when they talk to her. One of her new tricks is putting her lips together and blowing (sputtering?). She loves to make that noise.
Wearing her onsie from Paris that Uncle Matt and Aunt Andrea got her on their trip.
She recently became a bow model for Little Ella Rae.
She was Rosie the Riveter for Halloween.
Hayley teaching Eve wheels on the bus.
We all LOVE our little Evelyn.
Side note: At her six month check-up on November 7 she weighed 14.7 pounds and was 24 inches long, with her head being 16 inches round. She had developed a rash all over her chest, so lucky we were already going to see her doctor, and he said it was an allergic reaction of some kind. He gave us Zyrtek and it went away.

I'm going to add a quick little update on the rest of us too.
Hayley is soaking up EVERYTHING. She amazes me with things she does and says. I sometimes wonder where she learned this or that. She loves balloons, playing outside, the colors pink and green, chocolate milk, and the number five. She always asks for five of whatever you're giving her. She recently started to hang her head when she thinks she's in trouble and when she is actually in trouble. She really does have a tender little heart. She is still a really good eater. She is finally potty trained, woot woot! I wanted to wait 'til after Ogden temple shutdown (since I worked most nights during those two weeks and was super tired from lack of sleep) and after we finished watching our neighbor's kids for a week. I didn't want to try and potty train while those things were going on. (Also, I gained a whole new appreciation for Moms with more than 2 kids. That week was tiring and chaotic, mostly the good kind, and made rethink having more than 2 myself ha.) She loves to sing songs and dance/run around. She gets super hyper every night before bed time, not the most convenient but at least she's usually pretty entertaining when that happens. She loves going to nursery every Sunday and can't wait 'til Sacrament meeting is over. For the first time in her little life, with the exception of her first few months and when she gets teeth, she is not sleeping through the night. It's killing me. So she comes in to our room and sleeps on the floor. We have tried everything, or at least it feels that way, to get her to stay in her bed. Her bedroom is now upstairs and I just pray this will end soon. She is a good big sister, for the most part, and will help me with Evelyn.
Dan is starting to get interview for med school and is pretty excited about that. He enjoys running the Student Health Center Lab at Weber State. He golfs about once a week. He goes to pole vault club on Tuesdays when he can. He still volunteers at the clinic about twice a month.
I still love working at the Temple. I missed it while I was on maternity leave. I play indoor soccer once a week and love it. I also started doing High Fitness and attend classes when I can. It's super fun! Hayley and Evelyn keep me busy and I love being able to be home with them. I am serving as Second Counselor in the Young Women's and love being able to do that. It has also given Dan some Dad time. I am still trying to take as many photos as possible (so let me know if you need yours done!) and recently started selling makeup for Younique. I have done a few sewing projects lately too, now that I have a place to put my machine. I am loving having Dan around more and we decided to kind of spoil ourselves this year before med school takes him away again.
Life is pretty good right now. It's definitely not perfect but we can't really complain!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Evelyn: Five Months

Evelyn is an extremely happy, content, little girl and I love how easy going she is because it simplifies life for the rest of us.
Evelyn is still in size 1 diapers. I put away her 0-3 month clothes and she's now wearing 3-6 months. She takes around 3 naps a day and had a little bit of a sleep regression, but thankfully it didn't last as long as Hayley's. Now we just need her to get used to eating food so that she won't be constipated, she has woken up during the night every once in a while from that. So we started giving her food on September 23. She does not like green beans but has seemed to enjoy carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches, bananas, and prunes. She finally rolled from her stomach to her back on September 9. I think she is close to rolling from her back to her stomach too, she lays on her side and just hasn't made it all the way over yet. Her big sister is more than willing to help her roll over either way. She is a little wiggle butt and moves all over the place when she's laying on the floor. She can stand up by herself for a few seconds if she's leaning against something. She has started laughing more and I will do and try anything to get those darling little giggles. She also gets really excited whenever I put her on her changing table and start talking or making noises at her. It's my favorite. She likes looking at pictures in books. She is getting pretty good at grabbing things with her little hands. I love to watch her face concentrate so hard, it's cute. Her hair is slowly getting lighter and I'm surprised it hasn't fallen out.
My awesome co-worker got this dress for Eve and I love it!
Dan playing Need for Speed with his little buddy.
Twinning is winning. Thanks to Grandma Becky for the outfits.
First time in the BOB.
5 months going on 15 years.
Eve really brings so much joy to my life. I get frustrated with my little toddler sometimes and it's nice to have a baby who is just content and smiles and me constantly ha.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Evelyn: Four Months

I really hate that Eve isn't my newborn anymore, but at the same time it's fun that she's showing more of her personality. It's a never ending struggle.
Eve still hates tummy time and may never roll over because I'm still not the best at remembering to do it. She has started to try and grab things and likes playing with her little piano mat with hanging toys. The sleep regression has begun, she doesn't fall asleep as easily anymore and it has made for some rough times at church with all the noises going on there. To help her fall asleep she likes to have her hands holding something, so I usually let her hold on to my fingers. It is the sweetest thing but hard sometimes too when I can't always have my hand there for her to grab and she still isn't good at holding other objects yet. About two weeks ago she started eating less too. I don't know why but I'm just rolling with it trusting that she will eat when she is hungry and trying not to stress about it. I don't think her belly gets as full during the day anymore with her eating less so she isn't going as long at night (7-10 hours) but she falls right back asleep after I feed her. She has started making little moaning sounds when she's trying to fall asleep ha. It's like she's lulling herself to sleep. She is in size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes, but probably not for much longer. She has started giggling a lot more and I try anything and everything to get some out of her. She is a little drool monster and loves sucking on her fists. She can sit in a bumbo and when she's sitting up against something (i.e. the couch or my legs) sometimes she'll try and sit up on her own. She likes to see the world and be held facing out. She took a while to fall asleep on my chest in her baby carrier when we were at Swiss Days, she's not a fan of sleeping on my chest anymore. She has had a few bottles now that I'm back to work and is good at chugging them. She makes me laugh with all her facial expressions and new things she does. 
Hayley showing her the animals.
I love those blue eyes.
Not quite ready for the jumper yet.
She's had that lip down since birth.
I can't say enough how amazing of a baby she is. I am one lucky Mama. We love our sweet little Evelyn and I wish she'd stop growing!