Monday, October 24, 2016

Cruise to New England & Canada: September 2016

My parents had their 30th anniversary on August 22 and my Mom had been wanting to cruise the East Coast so that's what we did to celebrate. Nikkole and Mike, Mike's parents (Joe and Gloria, who recently had their 40th anniversary), Hayley, and I joined them. It was lots of fun, a little different with a toddler, but we enjoyed ourselves.
We got in to Newark Friday evening. Hayley did really well flying considering she'd been up since 6:00 AM and only had a little 20 minute snoozer in her stroller between flights. She only cried once or twice in the 5 hours we were on a plane and zonked out as soon as we got off our last flight while we waited for the shuttle to take us to the hotel. I was hoping she'd sleep really well considering how tired she was but she never seems to sleep through the night the first time we're in a new place.
Next time we'll just put her in a carry-on haha.
The next morning, Saturday, we got ready to head on over to our cruise port in Manhattan. We got on the Carnival Sunshine around noon and immediately went to get some food, the food is some of the best part of cruisin'. Hayley and I played a little in the kid's club, it had slides and a little ship to play on, while we waited to depart. My Dad stayed with her while she napped and we set sail. It was really cool to sail past the Statue of Liberty. Our luggage finally arrived at our room and we got ready for dinner and then headed to the dining room. All 8 of us ate together. Hayley did fairly decent the first few nights at dinner but then she started to hate her high chair because she was in it for so long. Several course meals are too hard for toddlers to sit through. Eventually Hayley and I would go after everyone got seated and my Mom would order for me. That made it shorter for her. And sometimes we'd take turns going on mini walks between appetizers or dinner and dessert with her. Hayley and I stayed in the same room as my parents and so we also took turns going to the room at night with her instead of the show. It was nice to have a group of people there to help me take care of her. I would never do it with just Dan and myself, or with more than one kid. So basically this was a one time experience ha.
Sunday was a Sea Day. Kids that aren't potty trained are not allowed to swim, which ended up being ok on this cruise because it was a little chilly for swimming. Before lunch we had to do the joyful safety training at our muster stations, where Hayley got a wristband she had to wear the entire cruise. It was nap time after that, so we got a quick one in before lunch. After lunch we went to this Dr. Seuss story time but only lasted about 5 minutes before someone couldn't sit still anymore. After dinner we were out in the lobby and there was some dancing going on and the cruise dancers came over to Hayley and were dancing with her and giving her hugs. She had an entire fan club on that ship once it was over. If I had a dollar for every time I got told how cute she was or that her eyes and hair were beautiful, I'd be doing pretty well. My Dad stayed with Hayley and my Mom, Nikkole, Mike, Gloria, and I went "bar hopping." They played music and danced at each bar, just to kind of do a little tour of the ship. My Mom and I didn't make it the whole way through as it was getting late and we were tired.
One of the dancers dancing with Hayley. She wasn't too sure about it.
Monday we were in Boston. We did a harbor cruise and bus tour. The harbor cruise was really cool, who knew so much history could be in one harbor. The bus tour wasn't super great because we just drove around a few parts of Boston and only got to see them out the window. Definitely need to go back again, probably with my hubby since he served his mission there, and see and do more. It's definitely as pretty as they say, and very busy! The streets are narrow and full of cars and people. Hayley was ready for a nap when we got back on the ship before we headed to dinner.
Boston skyline as were sailing away.
Tuesday we were in Portland, Maine. This was probably my favorite stop. It was a quaint little town and I could totally live there. We took a trolley tour around town, quite a bit of history here too, and out to a lighthouse. Hayley slept a little on the trolley and enjoyed running around the lighthouse. We looked through some shops after our tour and got some spudnuts (potato donuts) from The Holy Donut and clam chowder from a restaurant we passed. I love clam chowder and that was some of the best clam chowder I'd ever had. It was nap time when we got back on the ship. There was no show tonight so we went to the dive-in movie, although Hayley and I didn't make it through the whole thing because it was her bedtime and kind of chilly where we were sitting. Plus I'd seen the movie before so I figured it made sense to let my parents stay and watch.
Wednesday we made it to Canada! We were in Saint John, New Brunswick and took a bus to the Bay of Fundy, which is huge and has a significant rise and fall in the tide. We walked around some shops after and bought some delicious fudge. Hayley fell asleep on the way back to the ship. Most of the leaves were still green, but some had changed and it was pretty. On the way back our tour guide passed around some dulse (aka seaweed) for us to try, apparently the Canadians all love it. It was gross and basically like eating salt water jerky. Another dinner, another show, and the first rough night of the cruise. Once we got out of the bay in the middle of the night the water got a lot more rough and it made me a little queasy going up and down as much as we did.
The best grandparents around.
Thursday we were in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We didn't have anything planned so we went around the harbor walk, which was super windy, and went through some shops. It was pretty uneventful but still fun. Since it was the last stop we had to get our Canadian shirts, and more fudge ha. While Hayley took a nap with my Dad my Mom, Sister, and I went to the shops on the ship to kill some time before dinner. There was a candy shop where I indulged my sweet tooth. My Mom stayed with Hayley tonight while we went to another dive-in movie. This time we sat where it wasn't so windy and got some hot chocolate and several blankets. 
Friday was another sea day, which was kind of nice to rest a little bit before we had to travel home the next day. We took a morning nap after breakfast. And after lunch we played "Cover Your Assets" it's fun, I recommend it if you've never played and just sat around and talked. Hayley didn't do so well at dinner the last night so my Mom took her before dessert came and I just took dessert to my Mom in the room and then went the show with everyone else. 
Saturday we got off the ship in the late morning and walked through New York 'til we got to a bus that took us to the airport. I have to say, after walking through that city I never want to live there, and luckily I don't think I'll ever have to. We were going to try and see some of New York since our flight didn't leave 'til 6:00 but we would've had to drop off our luggage at a hotel and so we just hung out at the airport for hours. Another reason I hate flying. I was so grateful when we got home! The flight into Salt Lake made me a little sick and a little girl threw up behind us so that was fun. We were exhausted when we got home. Hayley was such a trooper this whole trip! She is my golden girl!
Traveling with a toddler is definitely different, especially on a cruise. I had to pack diapers, extra wipes, whole milk (the cruise ships don't have it), food pouches, toys, blankets, and thankfully my Mom brought her lightweight stroller cause mine is a jogging one. There are no bath tubs either so hosing Hayley up and down wasn't her favorite but she didn't hate it either. We made everything work but boy was it a little stressful at times! 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Sojourn to Bear Lake: August 2016 & Camping: Labor Day Weekend

August 21-24
Peter, Brittany, and Hadley were in town from Texas for a little bit in August so while they were here we arranged to go up to Bear Lake for a few days for some family time. We got to our rental cabin on Sunday afternoon and got settled in before having some dinner. After dinner the girls played in the sand of the volleyball court and Peter and Brittany showed us how to play spike ball. Sunday night was rough for Hayley. She doesn't sleep too well in pack n plays to begin with and after she had been asleep for 2 hours Dan woke her up accidentally and then she was up for 5 hours! Becky and I went on an hour drive and she fell asleep but woke up when I tried putting her back in bed. I tried laying with her and eventually Becky fed her and got her to sleep. What an amazing Grandma she is. Plus my other Sister-in-Law, Audrey, went into labor Sunday night and had her second little boy the next morning, and we wouldn't have known if we were all in bed. We are so excited to have another nephew, Jackson. If only he didn't live all the way in Delaware.
Monday we went to the lake. Becky rented us some jet skis so we took turns riding them around. We even put Hayley on one with us twice and she wasn't so sure at first, but she just needed some convincing. Gotta teach her young to like all things water. She loved playing in the sand and walking around in the water. She's our little fishy. For dinner we were planning on going to Summit Inn Pizza, but it's only open on the weekend! What kind of restaurant does that? So we went to Firehouse Pizza instead and got some raspberry shakes after. Luckily we were all pretty worn out from the night before so we slept pretty well.
Beach babes.
Love twinning with my mini.
Tuesday we played some tennis and hung out in the morning then went to Minnetonka Cave in the afternoon. I was a little nervous about it at first but it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be so we made it all the way through. Hayley and Hadley had kind of a rough time since we stopped every few minutes, but we managed. It was some good exercise. Tuesday night we went to a seafood restaurant and it was delicious. We played some games before going to bed.
Inside the cave.
Wednesday morning we had to pack up and be out by 10:00. We stopped by Gossner Cheese Factory in Logan on our way home, have to get those chocolate milk boxes. Then we decided to head to Carlos & Harley's for lunch. It has become a Hayward favorite. We all took a two hour nap once we got home, it was so nice. It was a fun few days and it's always good to see Peter, Brittany, and Hadley.

September 2-4
Matt and Andrea found a good camping spot in Samak, near Kamas. We, my parents and Mike and Nikkole, met up with them on Friday afternoon and set up our tents. (Dan went to Arizona with his Dad and Peter for the BYU game.) Hayley enjoyed playing in the dirt and walking everywhere. Hayley and I slept in two sleeping bags zipped together and she wiggles a lot when she sleeps so the first night was a little rough because she would wake up when she'd move and I don't think she was warm enough. I tried putting a hat on her but when she'd wiggle it'd come off. Our tent didn't sleep the best that first night.
Saturday we drove to Midway for Swiss Days. It was fun seeing all the different tents and eating some "Swiss" lunch. We made a Walmart stop before heading back to camp because this trip was a trip of forgetfulness. We all forgot something. Hayley took her nap on the ride home. We played around the campsite until dinner. Hayley was pretty tired so she didn't really move much this night and was able to keep her hat on and slept through the night. It was nice. I wish I could have ha.
Cutest little camping buddy ever.
Sunday we decided to drive up to some of the lakes and stopped by a waterfall on the way back. Hayley was in heaven because there were dogs everywhere and she loves them. It was a little chilly but we had fun. Daniel came and got Hayley and I Sunday. He got there in the afternoon and joined us for dinner. We headed home after since he had to work. It was good he came and rescued us because I guess Sunday night was really cold.
I love this daughter of mine so much!
I'm glad Hayley got to experience camping. Everything is so different with a child. You have to bring so much more stuff and I like to try and be prepared for everything so it can be stressful but she had fun and that's what matters. Plus my family is super helpful with her so that was nice.