Monday, May 26, 2014

Life For a While

It's been quite some time since I last updated the blog. Today I don't have school or work, yay!, so I'm going to take some time to update those who read this on all things Hayward. Life has just been crazy the past few months, but in a good way! Spring semester was pretty hard for me after about the first half because I was going through some health problems and my depression and anxiety were getting the best of me at times. It got busier, too, after I got hired at America First as a teller. I work 30 hours a week, which is great because I get full benefits, but hard while I was finishing up the semester. Now I'm more settled and things are good with only two classes instead of of four. When I was hired there, Dan took my job at Weber as the study hall monitor. That was nice to have both of us working while school was in. For now he is back at Utah Ice but taking an EMT class this summer block so that he can get his foot in the medical world door. We both were accepted into our programs, he into the Medical Laboratory Sciences program and I into Athletic Training, so were on our way to achieving our academic goals. Woot.
Now for all the events that have happened! First of all, we'd love to congratulate our wonderful Brother and Sister, Peter and Brittany, they are expecting their first child! She is due in October and we couldn't be more excited to be getting another addition to the family, especially a niece who will be close.
Over spring break Dan and I went with Nikkole and Mike to Soldier Hollow. It was super fun! Nikkole found a good deal on group on over Christmas so we bought it and finally were able to use it. We spent two hours tubing down the little lanes of snow. It was kind of funny to see this big island of snow just by itself. 
The lovely Audrey and Jaden Howell were out here for General Conference and Audrey scored us some tickets so we were able to go to the Sunday afternoon session. I had the privilege to sit by a couple who had come all the way from Brazil! It was a good reminder for me to realize not to take for granted where I live and all the blessings we have where we do. The sister I sat by was in such awe as she saw the prophet and enjoyed the session, it was wonderful. Her husband had served in the Ogden mission a few years back so he had been to Utah before. When the session was over she gave me a bookmark that had the Relief Society theme in Portuguese so I could learn that language, I told her I knew Spanish and served a mission. It's such a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by our brothers and sisters of the Gospel. 
Braids and maxi-skirts!
Conference weekend, on the Friday, I also got to see some lovely peeps from my mission and Dan's mission. Both our reunions/get togethers were in Bountiful so we jumped back and forth a little between them. It was fun to see dear mission friends again. 
A sure highlight of the past few months has been our growing family! Both my siblings were sealed to their sweethearts in the temple and we are finally complete! I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for the wonderful people they have met and married and the families that have been joined with ours. 
Matthew and Andrea were sealed in the Redlands, CA Temple on March 28. I drove out there with my family and we left on Wednesday and spent the night at Grandma's in St. George. Then we made it there Thursday and did all the wedding prep that needed to be done. I picked up Dan from the airport that night with my Mom, he had school he couldn't miss so he got to fly. The next day was full of wedding fun! It was wonderful to see Matt so happy, and we love Andrea, she sure brings out the best in him. All of the wedding guests who traveled were accommodated by people in Andrea's ward, we appreciate their hospitality. I wish we could have stayed in California longer but oh well. We drove back to St. George on Saturday and then home on Sunday. 
I love this picture of my siblings and me!
Matt and Andrea had a second reception in Utah about two weeks after their wedding. We are blessed to know such great people who help us out so much. I got to do Andrea's hair for this one and that was fun. I truly just adore her. 
Nikkole and Mike were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on May 22. Another great day full of wedding festivities! It's still hitting me that my baby sister is married. I didn't think it'd be that weird to me since I have been moved out for almost a year and don't see her that much anyway but I guess now it's just more real. And I want to be close to my siblings now more than ever! My poor Mama fractured her ankle two days before the big day playing softball, and she was a trooper all day, but couldn't really help Nikkole as much as she wanted to but it was nice for me to be able to help her with her wedding dress and such. I love my sister so very much.
The story of my sissy and I in a picture. She loves me.
And just in case you didn't know, I totally set these two up. Mike and Dan were in the same single's ward and they would play basketball together and I always thought Mike was such a great guy, always smiling and happy, and I wanted to set him up with Nikkole. So when he was available it was finally time to make it work! We all went to Lagoon together and thank goodness Mike was persistent because Nikkole wasn't doing much to make it work in the beginning. Love these two, they owe me for eternity. 
Poor Mama.
The luncheon.
Remake of the engagement day.
It was also my wonderful Husband's 23rd birthday on May 14. He is my greatest blessing and I'm grateful for all he does for us. We finally celebrated at Texas Roadhouse last weekend, our schedules are kind of opposite so we rarely get to see each other during the week and didn't have time to celebrate just us two until then. I am so proud of him and the hard worker he is. He is so ambitious and I look forward to seeing him accomplish his life goals.
That's the past few months in a nut shell. I feel like I'm forgetting things but that's probably because I am. Until next time! I love being a Hayward!