Monday, February 3, 2025

Joshua Daniel: Five Months

I can't believe we've had this little guy with us for five months already!

This was quite an eventful month for little Josh in regards to doctor's appointments. He had his four month check-up at the beginning of last month and because his head circumference had jumped exponentially from his two month check-up his pediatrician recommended a head ultrasound to make sure things were fine. We schedule an appointment for a head ultrasound and got that done. He wasn't too fond of that once he woke up ha. His pediatrician called me that same day, although I wasn't expecting to hear from her 'til Monday (his appointment was on a Friday), and told me the results. 
Josh had a brain bleed when he was born and now we were looking at possible hydrocephalus and dilated brain ventricles. His pediatrician told me that could mean he may need a shunt and things to watch out for. It was pretty nerve wracking and I was doing alright until Dan started to be concerned. He's rarely concerned so when he is it's a big deal. Because of this we were referred to a neurosurgeon. We saw her the next week and got some good news, thankfully. She said he doesn't show signs of hydrocephalus and that he looks completely normal to her. The bleed could turn into something but it's very unlikely. We'll continue to monitor it and him so we have a follow up with her again in a couple months.
The other appointment he had was at the NICU follow-up clinic. His head shape is a little off, but that's because he likes to lay to the right side and we just need to be diligent about having him look to the left to help correct it. His pediatrician also referred us to see someone about possibly getting a helmet for him. I was given some exercises to do with him to help his neck strength as well. 
Besides all that things have been about the same as last month. He's still in size one diapers and 0-3 month clothes. He's not eating as much as he was and therefore eats more frequently sometimes. His nights have regressed a little sometimes too. He will go one night for six hours and the next barely make it three. He's kind of all over the place so I'm taking naps when I can and am pretty exhausted all the time.
Josh isn't spitting up as much as he used to, which is nice. He had some eye crusties for week or so from getting clogged tear ducts. Nurse Aunt Nikkole told me about lacrimal massage and that helped clear it up. I guess it's common for preemie babies to get clogged tear ducts. Who knew.
Josh is pretty close to laughing. I got a tiny little giggle out of him once and I can't wait 'til it's a regular thing. He smiles at his dad, his sisters, and me all the time. He's good about smiling at strangers too if they talk to him. He's a happy little man. He likes to coo and babble. He started making bubbles when he blows his lips together. He self soothes himself by making little cooing noises and I love listening to him fall asleep to himself haha.
Josh seems pretty close to being able to control his hands and intentionally grab stuff. He can unintentionally grab at things. It's fun to watch him concentrate on what he wants to get. He really likes sucking on his hands. He kicks all the time, especially when he's excited.
My little workout buddy.
Getting some meat on those tiny bones.
The girls dubbed him the baby King.

It's been hard having a baby again, but Joshua is worth it and he melts my heart. I love him so much!

Friday, January 3, 2025

Joshua Daniel: Four Months

 Josh has done a lot of growing this past month, and he had some big adventures too.

We don't need mistletoe to kiss those cheeks, but it doesn't hurt.

Little man flew on his first airplane this past month. He did great on both flights, to and from Utah. It's definitely easier when they're this small. He slept through the entire flight to Utah and almost the entire one home, just waking up on the return flight to eat once. He did well in the car on the way to and from Dallas too. He seems to be getting better at being in his car seat, thank goodness.
He has officially met all his Aunts and Uncles now too. Dan gave him a baby blessing on the Sunday we were in Utah in my parent's home. He blessed Josh with health and strength, to develop and grow to be a vibrant young man and adult. He blessed him with the Spirit of Christ and desire to follow Him. To receive the blessings of the Priesthood. To find joy in his family and friends. To be a light in the dark world. To choose the right and follow Jesus. To obtain his covenants and endure to the end. To create a family and preside in righteousness. And to be a servant in the Lord's kingdom. Can't wait to see all the things in store for our son.
Josh has found his voice and loves to coo! He can be quite the chatterbox sometimes. I absolutely love it and only wish I knew what he was thinking. Sometimes he will throw his head back and pucker his lips and make this higher pitched sound so I decided he's howling at the moon haha. He seems to do it when he's sad or tired. It's adorable and makes me smile.
Josh gives me the best smiles after I've fed him or when he wakes up from a nap. It's the best seeing how happy they are to see you. If only it stayed that way as they got older right? I'll sit and chat with him and he grins from ear to ear and will coo at me. His personality is coming out more and no surprise that I'm loving it! 
Poor little guy did get sick again while we were in Utah. I wasn't surprised and kind of figured he would. He's starting to get over it. Hasn't been extremely stuffy anymore but still spits up some mucous sometimes. 
Joshua is super active! He is constantly kicking his little legs and wiggling when he's awake. I'm wondering if that's part of the reason why he doesn't have as good of stretches at night with his feedings. He's gone back to only four or five hours between them. He might be going through a growth spurt too.
He is still fitting in his newborn clothes, but I can put him in his 0-3 month ones and they fit too. He's still in size one diapers. The sleep sack we got from the hospital when he came home is almost too small for him. It makes me sad to think how big it was on him when we first brought him home. He's growing so well. 
His sisters still love to hold him and be all up in his business. He's had glitter on his clothes from washing his with theirs, shimmer mist residue from Hayley holding him after she's sprayed it on her, and I found him asleep with a queen crown on his head when I stepped away to do something. Life with three older sisters. 

We made a pretty good nativity this year with Joshua being our baby Jesus.
Paige insisted he sleep on her big squishmallow.
One of the first onesies I bought for him (while I was still pregnant).
First flight.
Aunt Nini doing tummy time with Josh.
Little man's baby blessing outfit was a little big on him, but he still looked so handsome.
Twinning with Hadley on Christmas.
Texas Tech socks from one of my dear Lubbock friends, Teresa.

All four of my kids have worn this outfit.
Little guy got hungry while we were waiting for our groceries from Sam's Club so here I am just feeding him in the front seat.
We all truly adore this little guy. He's the best little boy. So grateful he's part of our family!